• “Experience has taught me that the Shepherd is far more willing to show His sheep the path than the sheep are to follow. He is endlessly merciful, patient, tender, and loving. If we, His stupid and wayward sheep, really want to be led, we will without fail be led. Of that I am sure.” – Elisabeth Elliot

The Name of The Lord is a Strong Tower by Darlene Deibler Rose

There is nothing that will plunge a person into despair more quickly than to suppose what could happen. This was… Continue reading

We Live in a World of Changes by Anne Dutton

We live in a world of changes! The dispensations of God toward us alter—the manifestations of His love vary—the kindness… Continue reading

Jesus Christ: The True Bridegroom by Basilea Schlink

Jesus is a true Bridegroom; this is His very nature. That is why He calls Himself Bridegroom in the Scriptures.… Continue reading

Quote From the Diary of Lilias Trotter

“I am seeing more and more that we begin to learn what it is to walk by faith when we… Continue reading

Idle Words by Frances Ridley Havergal

Idle words, which might have fallen comparatively harmlessly from one who had never named the Name of Christ, may be… Continue reading

Worth Infinitely More Than Millions of Worlds by Anne Dutton

My Dear Sister in Christ,

Your Beloved is yours and you are His, and what can you want or desire… Continue reading

The Fellowship of His Sufferings by Helen Roseveare

I know that the evening that I came to know the Lord Jesus as my Savior…seven o’clock in the evening,… Continue reading

Thy Brother’s Blood – A Vision for Souls by Amy Carmichael

The tom-toms thumped straight on all night, and the darkness shuddered ‘round me like a living, feeling thing. I could… Continue reading

The Importance of Atmosphere by Katie Booth-Clibborn

We all know how sensitive flowers are to atmosphere. That is why we have greenhouses. But are not children a… Continue reading

A Love Which Turns Earth Into Heaven by Katie Booth-Clibborn

It almost seems superfluous to say that in order to train children one must love them. To succeed in any… Continue reading

  • “Am you building up your house, or are you tearing it down? Your ‘house’ is the sphere of relationships that God has placed you in.” – Nancy Demoss

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Verse of the Day

I delight to do Your will, O my God, And Your law is within my heart.” — Psalm 40:8 (NKJV)

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  • “If our children were to grow up truthful they much be taught by those who had a regard for truth; and not just a casual regard, a delicate regard. On this point we were adamant.” – Amy Carmichael (Gold Cord)

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