• “You will never be more secure, you will never be more safe, and you will never be happier, more satisfied, than when you are trusting and obeying.” – Nancy DeMoss

About This Site

A word from the founder of Women of Christianity:

This website was built to edify others unto the most holy faith. It contains articles, sermons, videos, and testimonies by, about, and for Christian women.

Mostly everything on this website is free to use, provided that nothing is changed or altered in any way.  If there is a copyright, please contact the ministry that it is from to gain permission to use it.

I have the women featured on this site in categories only for the sake of some type of organization. But we are all ONE in Christ, no calling is more important than another. Even women without natural children still “mother”, and those who are not called to be missionaries are still called to be a missionary where they live. All are ONE. And the Lord can call any of us into a certain calling even for a season.  But our Call is ALWAYS unto the Lord Jesus, whether is takes us near or far, let Him be Glorified above all the Earth. Where His Light so shines, He will be exalted and that is the main and sole purpose of our life here on Earth.

Your fellow sister in Christ fighting the good fight of faith,

Michelle Glover


32 Responses to About This Site

  • Whit says:

    Thanks for doing all this legwork and getting together these great resources!

  • karmoni naidu says:

    Thank you dear sister for making this website...it has truly blessed me as well as encouraged me immensely. How humbling it is to read of these great women and their abundant faith...

  • saul robles says:

    I was Mrs. Grace Anderson’s spanish translator described in her testimony back in the late 1980?s. I consider myself blessed for having spent precious time with such a brave Christian soldier. Her prayer life is that of a warrior. Her commitment knows no obstacles. I must find a way to contact her. It would mean the world to me. Can she be reached at this Christian Health Care Center? Can you help me contact her, please?

  • Ruthie says:

    I was so excited to stumble upon your website and to find a fellow sister with the same heart as I :)

  • Agnes Peterse says:

    This is a great website and beautifully done as well I...Love it...am blessed and encouraged by it...so faith-building..Thank you sister, thank you! Shalom, Agnes.

  • Becky howard says:

    ..so glad I "stumbled upon this site" looking for Streams in the Desert, June 18 entry. Is there a place where the women in the group pictured are identified? I only recognize Henrietta Mears and Nancy Demoss. Thank you for this site. Becky Howard

    • womenof7 says:

      Hi Becky, I'm glad you stumbled in. :) If you have anything you would like to add let us know! Here's a pic I made with all the names attached to the pictures. I hope it's legible. https://womenofchristianity.com/?attachment_id=6301 Blessings in Christ.

  • Niki says:

    Great website :) Do you know of a way I can get in contact with Dr Helen Roseveare ?

    • Mary E. Davis says:

      Oh the mercy drops that do come down to Me. Oh the grace that God has given Me because of His Dear Son and my blessed redeemer..Living as a member of the body of Christ let me become what JESUS wants me to be He died for me That I will be His spotless bride when He returns for me. Living out each moment of everyday in His word. Being though Him righteous In Jesus.. Praise The Lord.

  • Miranda says:

    I am so glad I found this site. It is truly inspiring to read about women who lived and still live with reckless abandon to our Savior. Thank you so much! I was wondering if you knew of a way to contact Elisabeth Elliot?

    • womenof7 says:

      The only way I know to contact her is by mailing her at this address. Taken from http://www.elisabethelliot.org/books.html 10 Strawberry Cove Magnolia, MA 01930

  • Sneha Latha says:

    Greetings! I am pleased see this webiste..It is very encouraging and motivating. I am shocked to see so many women who have worked and working for the Lord. God bless you all..

  • Rabi says:

    Hi Mail to womenof7@womenofchristianity.com is bouncing back with Mailbox quota exceeded Hoping to get in touch with you

  • Abby says:

    Thank you, thank you!! What a blessing to find this God honoring, resourceful site. I have an online ministry for women, and lead women's ministries in my church. I'll be visiting here on a daily basis. Thanks again for all your efforts.

  • Sheetal says:

    Dear Sister, I bless God for using you as a tool to reach out to women across the world. A friend sent the link to this site and I have been truly blessed. Have not heard women sharing the word and discipling as Janice McBride. I have been encouraged by her messages(she does not mince word and calls 'sin as sin) ..hard to find women of God who are uncompromising in a world where the Gospel is diluted and not lived the way one ought to. She shares practical experiences and and her illustrations makes it simple to comprehend and encourages me. Thank you and God bless you as you minister to people faroff; as to me in India.

    • womenof7 says:

      Hi Sister, Yes Janice McBride is a dear sister in the Lord who fears God. We are blessed in this area to be able to visit her on occasion, as she resides in St. Louis, MO area. She truly has come to know the Lord in many ways, and has overcome much. Bless you in India dear sister, Michelle

  • Ratna Kumar.Ongole says:

    I greet you and salute to you in the most highly exalted name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I praise and thank God that He has privileged me to send this message to you for your kind consideration to have your kind involvement in my ministry for the extension of the Kingdom of God. I am a pastor from India. I live in a small village and I have my own ministry with my fellow pastors, orphan home and churches. You are warm welcome to India to have your involvement in God's work if you are led by the Holy Spirit please feel free to respond for which I will be looking forward prayerfully. Sincerely your brother in the Master's service, Pastor.Ratna.Ongole.

  • jay c says:

    I have a weathered copy of Annie Johnson Flints..BY The Way.... It is so old it doesnt have a date, was published here in Toronto Canada and from the only line in the book that may allow me to date it is a reference to prayers for the Armenian genocide...which I believe was prior to WW1... This book is a goldmine, and has brought me great comfort.... and Peace.........It is copywrited but impossible to say by who, as the company no longer seems to exist.... If anyone knows the poems in this little gem, they will understand what I mean by saying that it is a gift from heaven, and a trusted Companion. Thank you and may the LORD BLESS you with LOVE for His Good Will and a heart given unto HIM. May all that you do , be for HIS glory.

  • Edith says:

    I just found this site. Thank you.

  • PS says:

    I'm 25... And I need a female partner who is after godliness and has "eternity values" and wants to steadfastly run the race of time... I mean, we could be together.. Shut the door, and work to perfect ourselves as we zealously advance GOD'S kingdom with a pure conscious and faith unfeigned...and we could do so much .. Do such women exist today...? .. Such evil days... So many Christian women but you wonder why the world is the center of their hearts... IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE THAT LOVES JESUS CHRIST...? HE HAS A WAY HE WANTS TO BE LOVED, HE SAYS KEEP MY COMMANDS.. SO IS THEIR ANYONE WHO TRULY IS COMMITTED TO THAT CAUSE.. ? ... Doesn't matter your color or anything... If your heart is sold out to obeying GOD that's alright

  • Dorothy Vust says:

    Please UNsubscribe me to all your emails. You have good articles but I don't have time to read them. Am submitting my email address which you say you will not publish. Thank you. DV

  • JY says:

    I absolutely respect what you say about using things from the website without changing or altering them in any way, yet when you are just typing out Frances Ridley Havergal's books, day by day, others will use it and may only use parts of it, not even knowing this site exists. They, then, are not "taking" from this site, though to you it may appear that way. Just something to think about :). Many people type oit and quote the things you are putting here.

  • Anonymous says:

    May I shorten some of these biographies to include a little (free) newsletter for young girls? I wouldn't change anything, just condense it since I wouldn't have room for the entire biographies. I want to introduce these young girls to godly heroes from history and encourage them to read full book biographies. Thanks.

  • Elaine M. Kelley says:

    What is the criteria for women being listed? I searched for a few who are not listed. Perhaps you would like to add them: Dorothy Day, Evelyn Underhill, Dorothee Soelle. I'm sure there are a number of others who should be included.

  • Rani Peace Clare says:



    I'm so glad this site is continuing because I've only recently discovered it. Streams in the Desert has been one of my morning readings for years, but the only way I found to share it was through Facebook and they had modernized it. Often I would look up quotes by women there (men too sometimes) and so I feel so fortunate to have this resource for continuing my search. Thank you so so much for your service

  • Vicky Carr says:

    Thank you for your ministry

  • Ellen Lucks says:

    This is a VERY RICH site to find in a season of solitude. Through i we get to meet more of our "great cloud of witnesses" --more of the family we didn't even know that we had! Hallelujah!

  • Tina Wood says:

    Happy to find your site and the encouragement for dear sisters in the Lord... However disappointed not to find Darlene Diebler Rose here?? (yet?)

  • Krista Yip says:

    What an amazing site! Such an inspiration as we, follow our Precious Lord and Saviour ,in the work that He has called us to. God bless, and thank you for your ministry, Krista

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  • “If my attitude be one of fear, not faith, about one who has disappointed me; if I say, ‘Just what I expected,’ if a fall occurs, then I know nothing of Calvary love.” – Amy Carmichael

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“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. — Proverbs 9:10 (NKJV)

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