• “Jesus is the Great Physician, and whatever your need may be, He’s a specialist in that field. With one hand He takes His surgeon’s knife and removes what has to go, and with the other He applies his healing oil.” – Hattie Hammond

Bible Women

Let every man abide in the same calling by A. B. Simpson

Do you complain about your calling or fret about the changes and trials of life? How do you know but… Continue reading

The Goal of the Gospel by Watchman Nee

The Goal of the Gospel – from The Normal Christian Life
By Watchman Nee
The Lord ordained that the… Continue reading

Will You Willingly Join the Battle? by Nancy Leigh Demoss

Now, God’s normal pattern, as you look at it throughout scripture, is that men are called and raised up to… Continue reading

“The Woman Caught in Adultery” by Annie Poonen

A weeping woman caught in adultery was once brought to Jesus by the Pharisees (John 8 ).… Continue reading

“The Canaanite Woman” by Annie Poonen

In Matthew 15:22, we read of a weeping, but persistent Canaanite woman. She was not a part… Continue reading

A Desperate Hour Calls For A Radical Response by Brian Long (video/audio)

For Many other free videos visit the website: www.sermonindex.net

For Audio Format click here.

“The Samaritan Woman” by Annie Poonen

In John 4, we read of another needy woman – this time a Samaritan – whose life was one of… Continue reading

Story of the Hymn “In the Garden”

“Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: ‘I have seen the Lord!’ And she told them that he… Continue reading

Do What You Can – Robert Murray MCheyne

FROM THE GOSPEL OF JOHN 11:2, we learn that this woman was Mary, the sister of Lazarus and Martha. We have already learned that she was an eminent believer: "She sat at the feet of Jesus, and heard His word." Jesus Himself said of her: "Mary hath chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her." Now it is interesting to see this same Mary eminent in another way, —not only as a contemplative believer, but as an active believer. Many seem to think that to be a believer is to have certain feelings and experiences; forgetting all the time that these are but the flowers, and that the fruit must follow. The engrafting of the branch is good, the inflowing of the sap good, but the fruit is the end in view. So faith is good, and peace and joy are good, but holy fruit is the end for which we are saved. I trust many of you, last Sabbath, were like Mary, sitting at the Redeemer's feet, and hearing His word. Now I would persuade you to be like Mary, in doing what you can for Christ. If you have been bought with a price, then glorify God in your body and spirit, which are His. I beseech you by the mercies of God. These are things which we can do. Continue reading

Wielding The Weapon Of Prayer by Dan Augsburger (video)

Joh 4:10  Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is… Continue reading

  • “Settle down on this one thing –that Jesus came to save you now, in this life, from the power and dominion of sin, and to make you more than conquerors through His power.” – Hannah Whitall Smith

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Verse of the Day

[Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking] “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. — Matthew 7:7-8 (NKJV)

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