- “According to the Power” by Annie Johnson Flint
- “Come Unto Me” by Mrs. J. C. Yule
- “Fellowship with Christ” by Mrs. J. C. Yule
- “Look Up” by Mrs. J. C. Yule
- ‘The Things Which are Behind’ by Francis R. Havergal
- A Challenge to Every Christian by Mrs. C.T. Studd
- A Few More Marchings Weary by Fanny Crosby
- A hymn by John Wesley
- A Mother’s Gift: or, A Wreath for my Darlings by Phoebe Palmer
- A Mother’s Hymn by William Cullen Bryant
- A poem by Anna B. Warner
- A Poem by Basilea Schlink
- A Poem for Mothers
- A poem written about Francis Havergal by Oswald Chambers
- A Prayer for Purity by Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf(1703-1791)
- A stalking grace by Kelli Woodford
- A Symphony of One by Alan Martin
- A Woman by John Greenleaf Whittier
- Abide In Christ! By Magdalene Klinksiek Jenkins
- Against Pride In Clothes by Isaac Watts
- All the World for Jesus by Carrie Breck
- All things bright and beautiful by Cecil F. Alexander
- Amid the Fears that Oppress Our Day by Margaret Clarkson
- Another Year For Thee by Frances Ridley Havergal
- Another Year Is Dawning By Frances Ridley Havergal
- Are You Ready for the Coming? by Ada Haberson
- Arise, all souls, arise by Mary A. Lathbury
- At the Cross There’s Room! by Fanny Crosby
- Be Not Weary by Frances Ridley Havergal
- Be Patient My child! by Magdalene Klinksiek Jenkins
- Because He First Loved Me by Fanny Crosby
- Before the Birth of One of Her Children – Anne Bradstreet
- Before the Throne of God Above by Charitie L.Bancroft
- Better Than My Best by Annie Johnson Flint
- Break Thou The Bread of Life by Mary A. Lathbury
- Build Me A Son by General Douglas MacArthur
- But God by Annie Johnson Flint
- By Charlotte Elliot
- Calm Where? by Michelle
- Christ Died For Us – We Die For Christ By Francis H. Rose
- Christ Has No Body by Teresa of Avila
- Christian! Seek Not Yet Repose by Charlotte Elliot
- Cling by Michelle
- Come Unto Me by Annie Johnson Flint
- Come With Your Laughter by Xiao Min
- Cords of Love by Amy Carmichael
- Day By Day by Lina Sandell
- Day is Dying in the West by Mary A. Lathbury
- Dear Lord, I Praise Your Name by Xiao Min
- Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul by Anne Steele
- Deliverance from a Fit of Fainting by Annie Bradstreet
- Do the Next Thing – Author Unknown
- Eternity by Corrie ten Boom
- Eternity by Martha Snell Nicholson
- Even Me by Elizabeth H. Codner (And the story behind the hymn)
- Face to Face with Christ, My Saviour by Carrie Breck
- Father of mercies, in Thy Word by Anne Steele
- Father, I know that all my life by Anna L. Waring
- Flame of God by Amy Carmichael
- Forever with the Lord by Octavius Winslow
- Forward! by Carrie Breck
- Freedom in Prison by Madame Guyon
- Gently Lead Us by Octavius Winslow
- Go to the Deep of God’s Promise by Carrie Breck
- God hath not promised skies always blue by Annie Johnson Flint
- God of Creation, All-Powerful by Margaret Clarksoon
- God The Provider by Francis R. Havergal
- God the Provider by Francis R. Havergal
- God Will Take Care Of You by Civilla D. Martin
- Guests by Martha Snell Nicholson
- Hast Thou Heard Him, Seen Him, Known Him? by Miss Ora Rowan
- Hast Thou No Scar? by Amy Carmichael
- He Did Not Die In Vain by Carrie Breck
- He Giveth More Grace by Annie Johnson Flint
- He is Coming, He is Coming! by Cecil F. Alexander
- He Is Thy Life by Francis R. Havergal
- He Will Hold Me Fast by Ada Habershon
- Help Somebody Today! by Carrie Breck
- Here Follow Several Occasional Meditations by Anne Bradstreet
- His Banner Over Us by Helen Lemmel
- His Billows by Annie Johnson Flint
- His Eye Is On The Sparrow by Civilla D. Martin
- His Plan For Me by Martha Snell Nicholson
- How Often by Amy Carmichael
- I Am The Lord’s by Magdalene Klinksiek Jenkins
- I Am With Thee Would Begin by Lina Sandell
- I Look Not Back by Annie Johnson Flint
- I Love to Steal Away by Phoebe Hinsdale Brown
- I Need Thee Every Hour by Annie S. Hawks (Hymn Story)
- I Need to be Filled by Ada Haberson
- I Will Not Be Afraid by Annie Johnson Flint
- I’ll Count My Blessings by Carrie Breck
- I’m Pleading for You by Ada Haberson
- If Christ Should Come Tonight by Martha Snell Nicholson
- IMMANENCE by Amy Carmichael
- In Heavenly Love abiding by Anna L. Waring
- In His Keeping by Leila Morris
- In Jesus by Annie Johnson Flint
- In My Solitary Hours in My Dear Husband his Absence by Annie Bradstreet
- In Thankful Remembrance for My Dear Husband’s Safe Arrival by Annie Bradstreet
- In the Secret of His Presence by Ellen Lakshmi Goreh
- Is He Yours? by Ada Haberson
- Jesus is Victor by Carrie Breck
- JESUS, I AM RESTING, RESTING by Jean S. Pigott, 1876.
- Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me by Mary Lundie Duncan
- Joy in Martyrdom by Madame Guyon
- Just When Thou Wilt by Francis R. Havergal
- Lead Me to Calvary by Jennie Hussey
- Lean Hard by Octavius Winslow
- Let Grace Abound All the More by Alan Martin
- Let Me See Thy Face and Die by John Wesley
- Like A River Glorious by Francis R. Havergal
- Live Out Thy Life Within Me by Francis R. Havergal
- Lo! Round the Throne a Glorious Band by Mary Lundie Duncan
- Lord, speak to me, that I may speak… by Francis Ridley Havergal
- Lord, Thou Knowest All the Hunger by Freda Hanbury Allen
- Love for Love by Francis R. Havergal
- Make Him Known by Carrie Breck and Helen Alexander
- Many Crowd The Savior’s Kingdom by Amy Carmichael
- Meet Me in the Homeland by Ada Habershon
- Mother’s Prayer
- My Goal is God Himself by Frances Brook
- My God, Is Any Hour So Sweet by Charlotte Elliot
- My Home is God Himself by Frances Brook
- My Maker and my King by Anne Steele
- My Orders by Ethelwyn Wetherald
- My Prayer by Amy Carmichael
- My prayer to the promise shall cling by Anna L. Waring
- Nailed to the Cross by Carrie Breck
- Nearer, my God, to Thee by Sarah Adams
- NEVER GIVE UP by Fanny Crosby
- No Other Story by Ada Haberson
- Now Before Thee Lord We Gather by Lina Sandell
- Now I Resolve With All My Heart by Anne Steele
- O Christ, What Burdens Bowed Thy Head by Anne R. Cousin
- O Father, You Are Sovereign by Margaret Clarkson
- O for a Thousand Tongues by Charles Wesley (Hymn Story)
- O God of burning altar fire by Amy Carmichael
- O Holy Savior, Friend Unseen by Charlotte Elliot
- O Lord, Thy work revive by Phoebe H. Brown
- O Shepherd of the nameless fold by Mary A. Lathbury
- Once I Heard a Song of Sweetness by Carrie Breck
- One Day At A Time by Annie Johnson Flint
- One More Days Work For Jesus by Anna B. Warner
- One Thing I Can Do (or I thank Thee, Lord, that I can cast) by Ora Teasley
- Only in Hearing are We Saved – Michelle Garver
- Only One Life by C.T. Studd
- Onward and Upward by Charlotte Elliot
- Our Cities Cry to You, O God by Margaret Clarkson
- Part in Peace by Sarah Flower Adams
- Partners of Thy Throne
- Pour Thyself Through Me by Leonard Ravenhill
- Prayer for Our Children by Amy Carmichael
- Q & A by Isabel Kuhn
- Reality by Francis R. Havergal
- Redeemed by Fanny Crosby (Hymnal Story)
- Satisfied by Clara Tear Williams (Hymn Story)
- Set Apart by Francis R. Havergal
- Shine ’Mid The Darkness By Frances Ridley Havergal
- Sing Praise to the Father by Margaret Clarkson
- Sit Still, My Daughter by J. D. Smith
- So Send I You by Margaret Clarkson
- Someone Who Knows by Carrie Breck
- Song of Annelein of Freiburg, who was drowned and then burned in 1529
- Soon will our Savior from Heaven appear by Ada Habershon
- Source of my life’s refreshing springs by Anna L. Waring
- Source of my spirit’s deep desire by Anna L. Waring
- Spiritual Lesson From Pain by Helen Steiner Rice
- Stille meine Wille, dein Jesus hilft siegen(Be Still My Soul) by Katharina Amalia Dorothea
- Sweet is the solace of Thy love by Anna L. Waring
- Take My Life and Let It Be by Frances Ridley Havergal
- Take the World, But Give Me Jesus! by Fanny Crosby
- The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power by Civilla D. Martin
- The Breath of the Spirit by Civilla D. Martin
- The Bridegroom Cometh by Charlotte Elliot
- The Bright Forever by Fanny Crosby
- The Comforter by Charlotte Elliot
- The Court of the King by Annie Johnson Flint
- The Effectual Way by Michelle
- The Fight is On! by Leila Morris
- The Hand that Rocks the Cradle by William Ross Wallace (1819-1881)
- THE INDWELLING CHRIST by Martha Snell Nicholson
- The King of Glory Standeth by Charitie L. Bancroft
- The Little Birds of God by Annie Johnson Flint
- The Monster and Mary by Alan Martin
- The Old-Fashioned Way by Civilla D. Martin
- The Passion of Agnes by Prudentius
- The Perfect Sacrifice by Madame Guyon
- THE RED SEA PLACE by Annie Johnson Flint
- THE RETURN OF ISRAEL by Mary Lundie Duncan
- The Safe Place by Elizabeth Prentiss
- The Sands of Time Are Sinking by Anne R. Cousin
- The Secret Depths by Michelle
- The Secret of a Happy Day by Francis R. Havergal
- The Temple of My Heart by Magdalene Klinksiek Jenkins
- The Touch of the Master’s Hand By Myra Brooks Welch
- The Triumph of Heavenly Love Desired by Madame Guyon
- The Unfailing One by Francis R. Havergal
- The Unfailing One by Francis R. Havergal
- The Vanity of All Worldly Things By Anne Bradstreet
- The Voice of One Who Wept by Martha Snell Nicholson
- The Widowed Heart by Charlotte Elliot
- The Young Christian by Margaret Mauro
- There shall be a performance of those things by Bessie Porter
- This Revelation by Phoebe Palmer
- Thou lovely Source of true delight by Anne Steele
- Thou Mighty To Save by Fanny Crosby
- Thou only Sovereign of my heart by Anne Steele
- Though some good things of lower worth by Anna L. Waring
- Thy Will Be Done by Jennie Hussey
- To a Vile Magdalene by Ruth Bryan
- To Calv’ry let our eyes be turned by Amy Carmichael
- To God Be The Glory by Fanny Crosby
- To Love the Lord My God by Helen Roseveare
- To Thee and To Thy Christ, O God by Anne R. Cousin
- To Thee by Francis R. Havergal
- Too Tired to Trust by Ella Conrad Cowherd
- Treasures by Martha Snell Nicholson
- Truehearted, wholehearted by Francis R. Havergal
- Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus by Helen Lemmel
- Unawares by Emma A. Lent
- UNTIL HE COMES by Martha Snell Nicholson
- Voices I Hear by Andrea Howard Hawthorn
- Waiting by Ada Habershon
- We Would See Jesus by Anna B. Warner
- What will it be when we see Him? by Ada Habershon
- When Love Shines In by Carrie Breck
- When Our Immunity in Christ is Strong.. by Michelle
- Who is on the Lord’s side? by Francis R. Havergal
- Who is this Man of Sorrows? by Leila Morris
- Wholly Thine by Annie S. Hawks
- Whose I Am by Frances Ridley Havergal
- Why should I fear to die? by Charlotte Elliot
- Will the Circle be Unbroken? by Ada Habershon
- Wilt Love Me? Trust Me? Praise Me? by Amy Carmichael
- With a heart full of anxious request by Anna L. Waring
- With Tearful Eyes I Look Around by Charlotte Elliot 1841
- Wits’ End by Antoinette Wilson
- Wonderful Love by Civilla D. Martin
- Yes, I Know! by Anna W. Waterman
- [Deliverance] From Another Sore Fit by Anne Bradstreet
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