• “Genuine revival will not be popular with everyone…it will divide…between those who want to build their own kingdom and those who want to build the Kingdom of God, between those who are attached to their own ideas and those who are committed to the Word of God” – Nancy DeMoss

The Secret Depths by Michelle

There used to be this secret place
     that I harbored grief and despair.
My own little refuge where I was
    bound by grudging and resentments.
A secret place I called my own
    full of bitterness and anger.
But now….
                ….old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  2 Cor. 5:17 
There is this place in which
    I enjoy the secret riches of Christ.  Is. 45:3
My refuge, my hightower
    a stronghold in the storms of life.  Nah. 1:7
A secret place filled with
   Christ within, my hope of glory. Col. 1:27
A wellspring of life.
Rest for the weary.
Hope for the hurting.
My Deliverer from Evil.
My Rescuer in the Night.
Christ Jesus,
And in Him Alone
I am able to stand.
So bury the hatchet and marry Christ, He is Lord of all in this life. 
Pursue peace with all men.
Bring honour, where honour is due.
Count it all dung, so that I may win Christ.
So turn to Christ and let Him be your Saviour instead of  YOU.
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  • “O beloved friends, there is a life on wings. I feel the streams of His life fill me and permeate my mortal frame from my head to my feet, until no words are adequate to describe it. I can only make a few bungling attempts to tell you what it is like and ask the Lord to reveal to you the rest. May He reveal to you your inheritance in Christ Jesus so that you will press on and get all that He has for you.” – Carrie Judd Montgomery

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Verse of the Day

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. — James 1:5 (NKJV)

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