I Was The Richest There by Sabina Wurmbrand
When the Communists came to power in Romania, they put in prison many hundreds, and afterwards thousands, of women. To… Continue reading
Sabina Wurmbrand: Radical Faithfulness, Beautiful Forgiveness by Leanna Shepard
“I am Sergeant Harsh. Hard by name and hard by nature. Don’t you forget it.”
The female Soviet Guard introduced… Continue reading
Contentment in Singleness by Leslie Ludy
For most modern women “singleness” and “contentment” are two words that don’t seem to fit together in the same sentence.… Continue reading
Why It’s All Worth it by Rachel Zwayne
It’s been a long day. The children are finally in bed. You reflect on the chaos of the day, which… Continue reading
The Lesson of the Mother’s Lap by Lilias Trotter
Can you not remember my sister, as if it were yesterday, the hour when your first born child lay in your… Continue reading
The Lesson of the Looking Glass by Lilias Trotter
Wherever there are women there are looking-glasses, from the Sherifa with her great mirror framed in carving and gilding,… Continue reading
Sacred Position: A Biblical Response to the Feminist Mindset by Leslie Ludy
When my oldest son Hudson was about four, another mom on the playground mistakenly thought he had cut in front… Continue reading
The Principle of The Gospel by Jackie Pullinger
“The principle of the Gospel is this: the Gospel always brings life to the receiver, and death to the giver.… Continue reading
Beautiful Meekness by Leslie Ludy
“Sorry, we cannot help you. It would be too humbling,” the pastor replied bluntly in response to Amy’s question. Amy… Continue reading