• “I have never before so learned to know the Lord Jesus as a tender, loving Friend, who never forsakes us or casts us off when we are bad, but rather helps us to gain the mastery over sin.” – Corrie ten Boom


Mary Winslow: A Great Prayer Warrior by Donna Kelderman

The day the telegraph arrived was a day forever etched in the mind of Mary Winslow. Having recently arrived in… Continue reading

The Importance of Atmosphere by Katie Booth-Clibborn

We all know how sensitive flowers are to atmosphere. That is why we have greenhouses. But are not children a… Continue reading

A Love Which Turns Earth Into Heaven by Katie Booth-Clibborn

It almost seems superfluous to say that in order to train children one must love them. To succeed in any… Continue reading

The Young Christian by Margaret Mauro

I cannot give it up,
The little world I know!
The innocent delights of youth,
The things I cherish so!… Continue reading

His Plan For Me by Martha Snell Nicholson

When I stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ
And He shows me His plan for me,
The plan of… Continue reading

The Reward of Silence by Madame Guyon

You are now ready to know about another aspect of prayer that I will simply call the prayer of faith… Continue reading

The Power of Simplicity by Jeanne Guyon

The purer an element is, the simpler the structure of that element. It follows, therefore, that the more extended is… Continue reading

The Life On Wings By Hannah W. Smith


The life hid with Christ in God has many aspects, and can be considered under a great many different… Continue reading

The Joy Of Obedience by Hannah Whitall Smith


The Joy Of Obedience Is Foremost

LONG AGO I CAME ACROSS this sentence: “Perfect obedience would be perfect happiness,… Continue reading

The Heavenly Places by Hannah Whitall Smith

In The Heavenly Places

“But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even… Continue reading

  • “Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes off your relish of spiritual things; in short, whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind, that thing is sin to you.” – Susanna Wesley

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Verse of the Day

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NKJV)

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