• “He is coming as a Bridegroom. He is coming for a bride.” – Sarah Foulkes Moore

Early Church

The Passion of the Holy Martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas

During a persecution of Christians under the emperor Septimius Severus, a group of Christians died together in the arena at… Continue reading

The Passion of Agnes by Prudentius

Near the town of Romulus,
Faithful Maid and Martyr blest,
Agnes hath her sepulchre;
From her holy place of rest… Continue reading

The Early Church by David Bercot

Early Christianity was a revolution that swept through the ancient world like fire through dry timber. The early Christian church… Continue reading

Paula, a Roman lady

Paula (2), a noble and wealthy Roman lady, who accompanied Jerome to Palestine in 385, and lived the rest… Continue reading

Nicarete, a lady of Nicomedia

Nicarete (????????), a lady of one of the noblest and richest families of Nicomedia, who devoted herself to perpetual virginity… Continue reading

Monnica, Mother of St. Augustine

Monnica, St. The name of this most celebrated of Christian mothers is spelt thus (not Monica) in the… Continue reading

Women In Ministry – History, by Richard Riss

A BRIEF HISTORY OF SOME WOMEN IN MINISTRY – During the first century, many women were active in Christian ministry.… Continue reading

Mammaea or Mamaea, Julia

Mammaea or Mamaea, Julia, the daughter of Julia Moesa, and niece of Julia Domna, the wife of the… Continue reading

Juliana, mother of the virgin Demetrias

Juliana (8), mother of the virgin DEMETRIAS, to whom we have letters from Jerome, Augustine, pope Innocent, and… Continue reading

Hypatia, writer

Hypatia (2). In the synodical book of the council of Ephesus is given a letter, from its style evidently the… Continue reading

  • “How different the world would look, how different the state of our nation would be, if there were more sanctified priestly souls! These are souls who have the power to bless, for they intercede with sanctified hearts. They never begin their daily time of intercessory prayer without having first brought to the cross all that is unholy in their lives, so that their old self can be crucified there with Jesus, the sacrificial Lamb.” – Basilea Schlink

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Verse of the Day

[The Race of Faith] Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, — Hebrews 12:1 (NKJV)

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