• “Men think lightly of sin; not only sinners, but the saints do not view it in its proper light. Sin is not a light thing in the sight of God. The Church of God is asleep.” – Mary Winslow

Many Crowd The Savior’s Kingdom by Amy Carmichael

Many crowd the Savior’s kingdom,
Few receive His cross;
Many seek His consolation,
Few will suffer loss.
For the dear sake of the Master,
Counting all but dross,
For the dear sake of the Master,
Counting all but dross.

Many sit at Jesus’ table,
Few will fast with Him,
When the sorrow-cup of anguish
Trembles to the brim.
Few watch with Him in the garden,
Who have sung the hymn,
Few watch with Him in the garden,
Who have sung the hymn.

Many will confess His wisdom,
Few embrace His shame.
Many, should He smile upon them,
Will His praise proclaim;
Then, if for a while He leave them,
They desert His name,
Then, if for a while He leave them,
They desert His name.

But the souls who love Him truly,
Let woe come or bliss,
These will count their dearest hearts’ blood
Not their own, but His.
Savior, Thou who thus hast loved me,
Give me love like this,
Savior, Thou who thus hast loved me,
Give me love like this.

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1 Responses to Many Crowd The Savior's Kingdom by Amy Carmichael

  • Jean Patience says:

    Very true. It is to wake up the nowadays Christians who forget the words of our Lord : Matt 10:38 Matt 16:24 Marc 8:34 Luke 9:23 Luke14:27 Many do not like to take their cross and are not worthy of HIM.

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  • “Everything God does is love — even when we do not understand Him.” – Basilea Schlink

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Verse of the Day

[God the Sovereign Savior] To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David the servant of the Lord, who spoke to the Lord the words of this song on the day that the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. And he said: I will love You, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. — Psalm 18:1-2 (NKJV)

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