• “Prayer means talking over with Jesus everything that happens from morning until night.” – Basilea Schlink

Susannah Wesley

Epitaph for Susanna Wesley by Charles Wesley

After Susanna Wesley died on July 23, 1742, she was buried at Bunhill Fields. John Wesley conducted the services. Charles… Continue reading

Death of Wesley’s Mother by John Wesley

From the Journal of John Wesley

I left Bristol in the evening of Sunday, July 18, and on Tuesday came… Continue reading

How the Wesleys Were Brought up by John Wesley

From the Journal of John Wesley

For the benefit of those who are entrusted, as she was, with the care… Continue reading

Mrs. Wesley as Preacher by John Wesley

From the Journal of John Wesley

I cannot but further observe that even she (as well as her father, and… Continue reading

Keeping the Wesley Children in Order by John Wesley

(From the Journal of John Wesley)

“What was yet stranger, any word he had learned in his lesson he knew… Continue reading

Susanna Wesley’s “By-laws”

There were several by-laws observed among us, which slipped my memory, or else they had been inserted in their proper… Continue reading

Let Me See Thy Face and Die by John Wesley

To Thee, great God of love! I bow,
And prostrate in Thy sight adore;
By faith I see Thee passing… Continue reading

O for a Thousand Tongues by Charles Wesley (Hymn Story)

Author –Charles Wesley, 1707-1788

Composer –Carl G. Glaser, 1784-1829
Tune Name –“Azmon”

“Let every thing that hath breath praise the… Continue reading

  • “We need Jesus!…He is our joy…without Him, the world and all it calls good, is poverty, wretchedness and woe! With Him, a wilderness is a paradise, a cottage a palace and the lowliest spot of earth a little heaven below” – Mary Winslow

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Verse of the Day

Do they not go astray who devise evil? But mercy and truth belong to those who devise good. — Proverbs 14:22 (NKJV)

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