Though some good things of lower worth by Anna L. Waring
“The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance.” — Psalm 16:5.
Thou only Sovereign of my heart by Anne Steele
Thou only Sovereign of my heart,
My Refuge, my almighty Friend—
And can my soul from Thee depart,
On Whom… Continue reading
Thou Mighty To Save by Fanny Crosby
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we… Continue reading
Thou lovely Source of true delight by Anne Steele
Thou lovely Source of true delight,
Whom I unseen adore;
Unveil Thy beauties to my sight,
That I may love… Continue reading
The Widowed Heart by Charlotte Elliot
For thee, poor widowed heart, In vain sweet spring returns ; The charm of vernal songs and flowers, The joys… Continue reading
The Unfailing One by Francis R. Havergal
‘He faileth not.’ Zep 3:5.
HE who hath led, will lead
All through the wilderness;
He who hath fed,… Continue reading
The Secret of a Happy Day by Francis R. Havergal
‘The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.’ Psalm 25:14.
JUST to let… Continue reading
The Sands of Time Are Sinking by Anne R. Cousin
The sands of time are sinking, the dawn of Heaven breaks;
The summer morn I’ve sighed for—the fair, sweet morn… Continue reading
The Safe Place by Elizabeth Prentiss
I went to Jesus with a prayer
Upon a suppliant’s knee;
Low at His cross I laid me down,
Nor… Continue reading
THE RETURN OF ISRAEL by Mary Lundie Duncan
Where is the beauty of that ancient land, Where patriarchs fed their flocks by hving streams Still tower to heaven… Continue reading