• “I would rather be a widow than be married to a coward.” – Sabina Wurmbrand


The Sin of Pride by Anne Dutton

As pride is a sin that abides and works in all Christians in this world, let us all then, as… Continue reading

The Dandelion by Lilias Trotter


Measure thy life by loss and not by gain,
Not by the wine drunk, but by the wine poured… Continue reading

Remember Miriam Part 14 – Touched by Humility by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Nancy: Well, after this series on Miriam, a lot of us are feeling like we don’t really want… Continue reading

Against Pride In Clothes by Isaac Watts

Why should our garments, made to hide
Our parents’ shame, provoke our pride?
The art of dress did ne’er begin… Continue reading

  • “If our children were to grow up truthful they much be taught by those who had a regard for truth; and not just a casual regard, a delicate regard. On this point we were adamant.” – Amy Carmichael (Gold Cord)

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Verse of the Day

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NKJV)

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