• “How very narrow is the gate that leads to a life in God! (Mt 7:14) How little one must be to pass through it, it being nothing else but death to self! But when we have passed through it, what enlargement do we find! David said, ‘He brought me forth also in a large place’ (Ps. 18:19). And it was through humiliation and abasement that he was brought there.” – from Madame Guyon’s autobiography Ch. 22

Give, Give, Give – God Calling 08/30

Give abundantly. Feel that you are rich. Have no mean thought in your heart.Of Love, of thought, of all you have, give, give, give.

You are followers of the World’s Greatest Giver. Give of time, of personal ease and comfort, of rest, of fame, of healing, of power, of sympathy, of all these and many more.

Learn this lesson, and you will become a great power to help others and to do mighty things.

Give, and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, and shaken together and running over, shall men give unto your bosom.  Luke 6:38

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  • “Direct me in your service, and I ask no more. I would not choose my position of work, or place of service. Only let me know your will, and I will readily comply”. – Ann Judson

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Verse of the Day

For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, — 1 John 3:11 (NKJV)

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