• “God then opened my eyes to the great truths of the New Covenant that He had established in Christ. He showed me that He had given me the power of the Holy Spirit so that I would not live for myself anymore, but only for Him.” – Annie Poonen

August 29 – Daily Strength for Daily Needs

Am I my brother’s keeper?–GEN. iv. 9.

Because I held upon my selfish, road, And left my brother wounded by the way, And called ambition duty, and pressed on– O Lord, I do repent.
How many are the sufferers who have fallen amongst misfortunes along the wayside of life! “By chance” we come that way; chance, accident, Providence, has thrown them in our way; we see them from a distance, like the Priest, or we come upon them suddenly, like the Levite; our business, our pleasure, is interrupted by the sight, is troubled by the delay; what are our feelings, what our actions towards them? “Who is thy neighbor?” It is the sufferer, wherever, whoever, whatsoever he be. Wherever thou hearest the cry of distress, wherever thou seest any one brought across thy path by the chances and changes of life (that is, by the Providence of God), whom it is in thy power to help,–he, stranger or enemy though he be,–he is thy neighbor.

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  • “I don’t really mind if you sing ‘Let His Glory Fall’ in church…but I think His glory will fall if you’ll go out with nothing except a broken heart, and precious seed.” – Jackie Pullinger

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Verse of the Day

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. — Ephesians 4:29 (NKJV)

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