• “Oh God, here’s my Bible, Here’s my money. Here’s me. Use me, God.” – Gladys Alyward


The Lesson of the Mother’s Lap by Lilias Trotter

Can you not remember my sister, as if it were yesterday, the hour when your first born child lay in your… Continue reading

Sacred Position: A Biblical Response to the Feminist Mindset by Leslie Ludy

When my oldest son Hudson was about four, another mom on the playground mistakenly thought he had cut in front… Continue reading

Turning to God, Not Google by Arlene Pellicane

Where do you immediately turn when you need help? In this digital age, many of us grab our phone or… Continue reading

Beautiful Meekness by Leslie Ludy

“Sorry, we cannot help you. It would be too humbling,” the pastor replied bluntly in response to Amy’s question. Amy… Continue reading

A Personal Testimony by Susannah Spurgeon

“My times are in Your hand!” Psalm 31:15

Why then, need I worry or tremble? That great, loving, powerful hand… Continue reading

The Battle is the Will By Oswald Chambers

We all have to learn that surrender is not the surrender of the external life, but the surrender of the… Continue reading

Zeal – Faith – Fervor! By Frances Ridley Havergal

“The king’s business required haste” (1 Sam. 21:8).  Yet there is no other business about which average Christians take it… Continue reading

Who touched Me? by J. R. Miller

(J.R. Miller, “Miller’s Year Book–a Year’s Daily Readings”)

Who touched Me? Jesus asked.” Luke 8:45

The… Continue reading

What Can I Do For God? by Elisabeth Elliot

Most of us would like to do something special in life, something to distinguish us. We suppose that we desire… Continue reading

We Carry Death and Life by Elisabeth Elliot

When Jesus lived on earth, He lived in an ordinary man’s body, carrying in that body both life and death.… Continue reading

  • ”If you have lost your life, remember that He promises that you will find it.” – Elisabeth Elliot

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Verse of the Day

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. — Isaiah 53:5-6 (NKJV)

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