• “In the darkest of nights cling to the assurance that God loves you, that He always has advice for you, a path that you can tread and a solution to your problem–and you will experience that which you believe. God never disappoints anyone who places his trust in Him.” – Basilea Schlink

When Faith Fails – God Calling 09/14

Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.     Mark 9:24

This cry of the human heart is as expressive of human need as it was when uttered to Me while I was on earth. It expresses the soul’s progress.

As a soul realizes Me and My Power, and knows Me as Helper and Savior, that soul believes in Me more and more. At the same time it is more conscious than before of its falling short of absolute trust in Me.

“Lord, I believe. Help Thou mine unbelief.” The soul’s progress – an increased belief – then a cry for more faith – a plea to conquer all unbelief, all lack of trust.

That cry heard. That prayer answered. More faith, and at the same time more power to see where trust is lacking.

My children seek to go up this path, leading by each stage, nearer to Me.

Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heartof unbelief, in departing from the living God.    Hebrews 3:12

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  • “Many do not recognize the fact as they ought, that Satan has got men fast asleep in sin and that it is his great device to keep them so. He does not care what we do if he can do that. We may sing songs about the sweet by and by, preach sermons and say prayers until doomsday, and he will never concern himself about us, if we don’t wake anybody up. But if we awake the sleeping sinner he will gnash on us with his teeth. This is our work – to wake people up.” – Catherine Booth

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Verse of the Day

He who follows righteousness and mercy Finds life, righteousness, and honor. — Proverbs 21:21 (NKJV)

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