• “There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for.” – Elisabeth Elliot

What will it be when we see Him? by Ada Habershon

If singing His praises is sweet to us here,
What will it be when we see Him?
And if to our hearts His own Word grows more dear,
What will it be when we see Him?


What will it be when we see Him?
What will it be when we see Him?
We shall in an instant be wholly transformed,
We’ll know what He is when we see Him.

How blest are the moments with Him which we spend,
What will it be when we see Him?
When perfect communion all tho’t will transcend,
What will it be when we see Him?


If we upon earth are amazed at His grace,
What will it be when we see Him?
If here, tho’ but dimly, His beauty we trace,
What will it be when we see Him?


Our heart burns within us when His voice is heard,
What will it be when we see Him?
And love to Himself in each bosom is stirred,
What will it be when we see Him?


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  • “Really, then, our problem is not weakness, but independence! And in covenant, you die to independent living.” – Kay Arthur

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Verse of the Day

by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. — 2 Peter 1:4 (NKJV)

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