• “Men think lightly of sin; not only sinners, but the saints do not view it in its proper light. Sin is not a light thing in the sight of God. The Church of God is asleep.” – Mary Winslow

Trust in His Promises – Streams in the Desert 07/13

“God…calleth those things which be not as though they were” (Rom. 4:17).
What does that mean? Why Abraham did this thing: he dared to believe God. It seemed an impossibility at his age that Abraham should become the father of a child; it looked incredible; and yet God called him a “father of many nations” before there was a sign of a child; and so Abraham called himself “father” because God called him so. That is faith; it is to believe and assert what God says. “Faith steps on seeming void, and finds the rock beneath.”
Only say you have what God says you have, and He will make good to you all you believe. Only it must be real faith, all there is in you must go over in that act of faith to God. –Crumbs
Be willing to live by believing and neither think nor desire to live in any other way. Be willing to see every outward light extinguished, to see the eclipse of every star in the blue heavens, leaving nothing but darkness and perils around, if God will only leave in thy soul the inner radiance, the pure bright lamp which faith has kindled. -Thomas C. Upham
The moment has come when you must get off the perch of distrust, out of the nest of seeming safety, and onto the wings of faith; just such a time as comes to the bird when it must begin to try the air. It may seem as though you must drop to the earth; so it may seem to the fledgling. It, too, may feel very like falling; but it does not fall–it’s pinions give it support, or, if they fail, the parent birds sweeps under and bears it upon its wings. Even so will God bear you. Only trust Him; “thou shalt be holden up.”
“Well, but,” you say, “am I to cast myself upon nothing?” That is what the bird seems to have to do; but we know the air is there, and the air is not so unsubstantial as it seems. And you know the promises of God are there, and they are not unsubstantial at all. “But it seems an unlikely thing to come about that my poor weak soul should be girded with such strength.” Has God said it shall? “That my tempted, yielding nature shall be victor in the strife.” Has God said it shall? “That my timorous, trembling heart shall find peace?” Has God said it shall? for, if He has, you surely do not mean to give Him the lie! Hath he spoken, and shall He not do it? If you have gotten a word
–“a sure word” of promise–take it implicitly, trust it absolutely. And this sure word you have; nay, you have more–you have Him who speaks the word confidently.
“Yea, I say unto you,” trust Him. –J. B. Figgis, M. A.

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2 Responses to Trust in His Promises - Streams in the Desert 07/13

  • KATO says:

    please pleeeaase PRAY FOR ME am in need of comforting love for an answer to go to university , to get to my destination FINLAND, to not loose the money paid for tickets to travel DEC 1 ST TO madrid then to AMST. THEN to helsinki on DECEMBER 3rd 2011 .. LORD GOD OF ABRAHAM, GOD OF ISRAEL ELOHIM ,PRECIOUS LOVER of my soul in JESUS CHRIST NAME I ASK YOU LORD GOD please let me get to MADRID on DECMBER 2nd, 2011 please GOD HAVE MERCY on me shower me with your mercy bless me with this request take me to HELSINKI ON DEC 3RD 2011 in JESUS CHRSIT NAME I PRAY AMEN.

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  • “Bare heights of loneliness…a wilderness whose burning winds sweep over glowing sands, what are they to HIM? Even there He can refresh us, even there He can renew us.” – Amy Carmichael

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You who love the Lord, hate evil! He preserves the souls of His saints; He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked. — Psalm 97:10 (NKJV)

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