• “Lead me, Lord, to the Rock that is higher than I. Let me hear your word, give me grace to obey, to build steadily, stone upon stone, day by day, to do what You say. Establish my heart where floods have no power to overwhelm, for Christ’s sake. Amen.” – Elisabeth Elliot

The LETTERS of Ruth Bryan, 1805-1860

“Your eyes shall see the King in His beauty.” Isaiah 33:17

“Throughout her letters, it will be seen that her grand aim was to set forth Christ in His fullness, and to turn the spiritual eye from self and every other object to Him, as the one way to pardon, peace, and holiness.”

All spiritual blessings are in Christ Jesus,
and to be dispensed to the poor and needy

Christ proved to be all-sufficient in near views
of eternity, and recommended to seeking souls

The matchless love of Christ as the Bridegroom

The patience of the heavenly farmer

Earthly things bedimmed by clear views of the glory of Christ

Bearing one another’s burdens

Christ is all!

The deceivableness of the form, without the power of godliness

Signs of spiritual life

Encouragement to a burdened soul

The blessings of affliction

These inward foes

Counsels how to meet daily cares

The world seen in the light of eternity

Encouragements to venture on Christ

Christ the Burden-bearer

A word of warning against worldly conformity

Victory over SELF by abiding in Christ

The simplicity of faith

A seeking soul encouraged to come to the Lord’s Table

Christ the only Physician for a sin-sick soul

A foretaste of glory

A Christmas feast on Christmas-day

To the Dove in the cleft of the Rock

Spiritual Declension (part 1)

Spiritual Declension (part 2)

The blessedness of separation from the world

The fullness of Christ

The believer’s power

Looking unto Jesus

Sympathy in suffering

The fullness of Christ revealed by the Spirit

Faith’s view of Christ

The triumph of faith over difficulties

Indwelling sin

The suffering sympathy of Christ

Christ, our substitute, the consolation in time of trial

Written after seeing a microscope

The suitability of Christ to the sinner

The subjugation of self through the cross of Christ

The preciousness of Christ, unfathomable and ever new

A New Year’s greeting

Christ our near Kinsman

The presence of Christ in a time of affliction

An important anniversary

Christ in everything

The riches of Christ for the poor in spirit

Warnings to an unconverted friend

Warnings to an unconverted friend

Warnings to an unconverted friend

Cast all your cares upon Him

Heart-searching suitable to a birthday

Encouragements to one afar off, to come unto Jesus

Pleadings with a soul

A counsel of love

The power of the precious blood of Christ

The tenderness of the Good Shepherd

The wounds of sin and the healing
power of the good Samaritan

Christ able to save to the uttermost

Balm in Gilead

A harassed soul pointed to the Blood

Submission to the Lord’s will under bereavement

The immutability of God’s purposes in grace

Mercy for the chief of sinners

Submission to the ways of God

Faith the gift of God

Faith overcomes impossibilities

Strength equal to the hour of weakness

Superabounding grace

Entering into rest by believing

The power of temptation and the arm of deliverance

Jesus the Brother born for adversity

Jesus, Jehovah Rophi

The Sin-bearer and the sinner

The tried and convinced sinner encouraged

The snare broken

Tribulation works patience

The plausibility of unbelief

The bosom of Jesus

The power of faith

Counsels to a young man entering the ministry

Counsels to a young man entering the ministry

Counsels to a young man entering the ministry

The exercise of faith

Healing leaves for the sorrows of the way

Comfortable words for a sorrowing spirit

A foretaste of the glory which excels

Christ the Author and Finisher of faith

The precious trial of faith

Glowing anticipations of the joy of heaven

The fresh venture upon Christ of a doubting soul

The faithfulness of our heavenly Boaz
towards a heart He is alluring to Himself

The efficacy of the precious blood of Jesus

The Lord’s dealings of love and faithfulness

The vicarious sufferings of Christ–the end of the law

Fainting pilgrims encouraged

Gospel wine to cheer the warrior

The difficulty of total self-surrender

The joy of union and communion with Christ

Deep draughts drawn with joy from the wells of salvation

The Spirit’s teaching

Christ is everything

The inward witness

Counsels to hearken to the voice of the good Shepherd alone

The unchangeableness of Christ in the midst of a changing world

The Lord refreshing His people with the river of His pleasures

Christ worthy of the soul’s highest love

The blind led by a way they know not

Deliverance granted IN, not FROM affliction

The happiness of those who endure

Divine guidance

The triumphant security of God’s people

The Lord’s service perfect freedom

Sweet fruit gathered from a bitter root

Christ the portion of His people

Faith’s grasp of things unseen

Sweet lessons in the valley of humiliation

Suffering no interruption to the believer’s joy

Lessons in the furnace

The magnetic stone

Getting near the light

Oh, this wondrous Savior!

The trial of faith

All in Jesus

We must learn our weakness

Spiritual growth

It is well

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  • “From all that dims Thy Calvary, O Lamb of God, deliver me.” – Amy Carmichael

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Verse of the Day

Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ — Matthew 22:37-39 (NKJV)

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