• “Lead me, Lord, to the Rock that is higher than I. Let me hear your word, give me grace to obey, to build steadily, stone upon stone, day by day, to do what You say. Establish my heart where floods have no power to overwhelm, for Christ’s sake. Amen.” – Elisabeth Elliot

The Energy Giver by Luci Swindoll

[God] gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. —Isaiah 40:29

The dictionary defines energy as the vigorous exertion of power. It has to do with effort, strength, potency, and might. Who has all these attributes? The Lord!

Scripture tells us that God not only has his own power and strength, but he’s given that same power to us. He enables us to have energy when we tap into his. David says to God in Psalm 31:4, “You are my strength.” And again in Psalm 27:1, “The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” What great verses! What comforting verses! God gives us all the energy we need.

When I’m exhausted and fall into bed at night, I often think I’ll never get up the next morning because I’m utterly played out. Or when I have no more strength to take care of a need or do the things that have been assigned to me, I have to force myself to remember my strength comes from God, not from inside me. There’s a vast difference.

So, remember—strength doesn’t come from exercise; strength comes from waiting on God. Tomorrow is another day, and God energizes us for it . . . no matter our age. Every day that I get older, his strength brings more comfort.

—Luci Swindoll

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  • “I wish Thy way. But when in me my self would rise, and long for something otherwise, then, Holy One, take sword and spear, and slay.” – Amy Carmichael

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Verse of the Day

Do they not go astray who devise evil? But mercy and truth belong to those who devise good. — Proverbs 14:22 (NKJV)

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