• “I have learned that in every circumstance that comes my way, I can choose to respond in one of two ways: I can whine or I can worship” – Nancy DeMoss

Testimony Of Faith In Evil Times By E. Gladys Dieterle

Former missionary to China

In these times of unrest all our hearts seek refuge in His Word. “Our God reigneth” (Isa. 52:7) has a steadying and comforting power, as well as God’s statement in Isaiah 9:6,7: “…the government shall be upon His shoulder”; that is, the government of our own individual lives as well as that of the world. Also in Luke 21:28, “When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”

Believing that you may have anxieties regarding the present world conditions and the way they may affect you and yours, and all dear to you, at home and abroad I would like to share what He has shown me. “…Thou are my hope in the day of evil” (Jeremiah 17:17).

The only way I can have peace of heart is to go alone with God after reading the newspaper of listening to the newscast. With my Bible open before me I wait silently before Him until He speaks to me by His Spirit and His written Word regarding the news I have heard or read, giving me His viewpoint of it and His purpose in it all.

“Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do?” “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.” Each time without fail, He also gives me anew promises of His care, such as:

“The Lord knoweth them that are His” (2 Tim. 2:19).
“He knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation” (2 Peter 2:9).
“When you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, see that you be not troubled” (Matthew 24:6).
“In the time of trouble He shall hide me” (Ps. 27:5).

After reading portions of the Word such as Isaiah 41:10;43:2; Nahum 1:7; Jeremiah 17:7,8; Job 5; Psalm 23; Psalm 27; Psalm 37; Psalm 46; Psalm 91; Psalm 138 and others, the peace of God is again mine. Again I have confidence that myself and all whom I have committed unto Him are in His care and keeping, and believe that He will do wonders.

I believe you will have the same results if you will follow this way of going alone with God when you are troubled. As you wait on Him, He himself will quiet your heart and then speak, and also give you His promises and His peace.

“Whoso hearkeneth unto Me, shall dwell safely; and shall be quiet from fear of evil” (Proverbs 1:33).

“Seek ye the Lord, all ye meek of the earth…seek righteousness, seek meekness; it may be you shall be hid in the day of the Lord’s anger” (Zephaniah 2:3).

Life consists of a constant battle between God and Satan as to who is to have the jurisdiction over our lives, God the rightful Sovereign, our Creator and Redeemer, or Satan, the present “Prince of this world.” Because of this I feel that we who are the redeemed of the Lord, when alone with Him in the early morning, should daily declare anew on whose side we are and pledge our whole-hearted allegiance to Christ.

I feel that it is also equally necessary to daily renounce the foe, “for we are not ignorant of his devices.” I have a healthy fear of the subtility of Satan which he might use unawares at any time during the day or night engaging my mind or any other part of my person in his service. I realize that I must daily commit this matter of being “kept from evil” into the hand of God–the mighty hand of the Captain of our salvation–together with a declaration of my love to God.

It is equally important to give the entire rule of the day over to Christ and to make Him Lord of our lives and of every situation, telling Him that it is our will to have Him reign over us, reign supreme and reign alone. He is then given His rightful place.

I begin my declaration with thanksgiving and praise to God for my redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, which cleanseth me from all sin, by His grace! This you will do in your own words as you will be led by the Spirit. The important thing is to realize the situation which requires such a declaration.

The following is my declaration:

May the blood of Jesus Christ, Your Son, cleanse me now from all sin.

Today I am again wholly on Your side, O Lord! I am wholly Yours, all I am and have is Yours!

I do not want the devil to have a particle or part in me today; keep me from evil.

I love You! You have won all my love, my God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. All others I love in You, in all things seeking their welfare, with joy.

Christ lives in me! In all things today, Lord, have Your own way! Hold o’er my being absolute sway. Fill with Your Spirit that all may see Christ always, only, living in me.

Today again I present my body a living sacrifice unto You, for Your use by day or by night.

Today may the government of all my circumstances, of my work, of all the lives entrusted to my care, far and near, be again upon Your shoulder, O Christ! Will You do wonderful things for us all–because Your Name is “Wonderful.” I cast every care upon You. You will care for me. I thank You!

After this declaration I yield myself to the Spirit for the worship of God and His intercession through me for others, and for any instruction or guidance He may desire to give me. Then I read my Bible and get from Him a living word for that day, which is life and strength indeed for me and for others as I share it with them. All during the day I look to Him for His guidance as to what to do next or how to proceed in difficulties and problems that come up unexpectedly.

As I follow this guidance, given by “His still, small voice” and confirmed by His written word, it always brings His victories and wonder workings, to our joy and to His. I learned this key to victory after having experienced many defeats.

It is precious to see the peace of heart God gives and His wonder workings for individuals, families or groups who give the entire rule over to Christ and make Him Lord of their life and of every situation.


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Verse of the Day

He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. — Isaiah 53:3-4 (NKJV)

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