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Prayers Ancient and Modern 09/04

Grant, We beseech Thee, Almighty God, that as we are bathed in the new light of Thy everlasting truth, so our clear sight of Thee in heart and mind may become sincere obedience to Thee in word and deed—Amen.

Rowland Williams.

Almighty God, who art the Giver of all wisdom, enlighten my understanding with knowledge of right, and govern my will by Thy laws, that no deceit may mislead me, nor temptation corrupt me; that I may always endeavor to do good, and to hinder evil. Amidst all the hopes and fears of this world, take not Thy Holy Spirit from me; but grant that my thoughts may be fixed on Thee, and that I may finally attain everlasting happiness, for Jesus Christ’s sake—Amen.

Samuel Johnson (1709–1784).

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  • “If our children were to grow up truthful they much be taught by those who had a regard for truth; and not just a casual regard, a delicate regard. On this point we were adamant.” – Amy Carmichael (Gold Cord)

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Verse of the Day

Do they not go astray who devise evil? But mercy and truth belong to those who devise good. — Proverbs 14:22 (NKJV)

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