• “Lord, I give up all my own plans and purposes, all my own desires and hopes, and accept Thy will for my life. I give myself, my life, my all utterly to Thee to be Thine forever. Fill me and seal me with Thy Holy Spirit. Use me as Thou wilt, work out Thy whole will in my life at any cost, now and forever.” – Betty Scott Stam, 20th Century Martyr

Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/22

O Eternal Father, help me, I beseech Thee, to bring forth in my life the fruits of the Spirit; the fruit of Love, that I may love Thee above all things, and all others in Thee and for Thy sake; the fruit of Joy, that I may find Thy service my delight; the fruit of Peace, that, pardoned and accepted through Thy mercy, I may repose in Thy love; the fruit of Long-suffering, that I may bear, with patient submission to Thy will, all crosses and afflictions; the fruit of Gentleness, that I may subdue all risings of temper, and take calmly and sweetly all trials and provocations; the fruit of Meekness, that I may forgive freely all who may hurt me either by word or deed, and endure with patience all that may be laid upon me; the fruit of Temperance that I may restrain all my desires, bringing them into subjection in all things to Thy holy will—Amen.

Treasury of Devotion, 1869.

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  • “I would rather be a widow than be married to a coward.” – Sabina Wurmbrand

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Verse of the Day

[Jesus the Good Shepherd] Then Jesus said to them again, “Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. — John 10:7, 9-10 (NKJV)

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