• “God, You created me woman. You know what You designed for me to be. I don’t want to be a foolish woman. I want to fulfill Your purpose for me. Speak to me through Your Word. Cleanse me through the washing of Your Word, and work in my life so that when I see You face to face, I am not ashamed, but I hear well done, My good and faithful daughter.” – Kay Arthur

Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/19

“What shall I render unto Him for all His benefits?” I can only give my own self—all I have, and all I am. I desire to surrender myself wholly unto Thee, O my God, to live more simply as one separated unto Thee, not finding my joy and comfort in the earthly blessings Thou so richly bestowest on me, but, while thankful for the gracious gifts, looking only to the Giver as the Source of my happiness and the Object of my life. I cannot shake off the habits of thought and feeling which many years have wrought in me; I can only ask of Thee to have mercy on me, poor and needy as I am, and subdue in me all that is perverse and wayward in my heart, and so fill me with Thy pure and heavenly love, that all my narrowness and selfishness may be done away in the wideness of Thy love—Amen.

Maria Hare

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  • “Don’t assume you have to be extraordinary to be used by God. You don’t have to have exceptional gifts, talents, abilities, or connections. God specializes in using ordinary people whose limitations and weaknesses make them ideal showcases for His greatness and glory” – Nancy Leigh DeMoss

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Verse of the Day

[Heavenly Versus Demonic Wisdom] Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. — James 3:13 (NKJV)

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