• “Men think lightly of sin; not only sinners, but the saints do not view it in its proper light. Sin is not a light thing in the sight of God. The Church of God is asleep.” – Mary Winslow

Out of the mouth of babes… – Excerpt by Sabina Wurmbrand

Once a communist proffesor entered into his class and told the
students, “now dear children we are in twentieth centuary and our
astronauts went to the moon and they looked all over and around and
they could not see any GOD and even our school as a communist school
you are no more allowed to mention even the name of God or name of
christ”.Not one of the children dared to answer to this professor
because in a communist country,the soviet union, if a child speaks for
God,the child will be taken away from the family and parents to a far
away into a communist boarding school and the child will never be able
to see the family again.But still one of the christian child stood up
and asked”Comrade professor,I want to ask, Did our astronauts have a
pure heart ?because it is written that”blessed are the pure in heart
for they shall see God, and I am here in a communist school but my
heart has been made pure and has been washed by the blood of christ
and even sitting here I can see the glory of God and the glory of my
beloved saviour JesusChrist”.The children were punished for those
words but they love the Lord with all hearts and they know that the
famous Jesus christ our saviour our Lord is worth while to fight for
him,to love him with all your heart and they do it gladly.

-Sabina wumbrand.

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  • “In case any are puzzled by the different translations from which I draw strength and help and delight, it is like this: In studying any object with the microscope we use different lenses and turn the mirror in various ways; each change brings out some new wonder and beauty. So it is for those who are not Greek or Hebrew scholars, and who use the work of scholars to open the meaning of the exhaustible Word–the Bible is richer than any single version can fully show.” – Amy Carmichael

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Verse of the Day

You who love the Lord, hate evil! He preserves the souls of His saints; He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked. — Psalm 97:10 (NKJV)

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