• “Noble, breathtaking, captivating, Christ-centered femininity is…a beauty that does not draw attention to the woman but to Jesus…it’s a loveliness that flows from deep within–the refreshing beauty of heaven, of a life transformed from the inside out by Jesus Christ” – Leslie Ludy

Loretta Mae Judd

LORETTA  MAE  JUDD  was  born  April  11, 1880, in  Hardin County, Ohio,  the  only  daughter   of   Mr .   and  Mrs.   Samuel   Shockey.   At  the  age  of   six  she  moved  to  Iowa  where  she  l ived  for   the  following eight   years.

At  thirteen,   she  began  to  write  for   papers  and  per iodicals,   in  addi t ion  to  newspaper   repor t ing.   A  year   later ,   in  San  Diego,   Cal i for -nia,   she  cont inued  her   wr i t ing,   together   wi th  the  fur ther   study  of  shor thand  and  business  subjects.

Her  f i rst  spi r i tual  awakening came when she at tended revival  meetings in  a  Methodist Church  in San Diego.   After  this  exper ience,   she fel t   that   God  wanted  her   to  consecrate  her   ambi t ion  to  be  a  wr i ter .  Because  of  this  she  took  al l  her  wr i t inlgs  and  newspaper   ar t icles  and burned  them.

At  nineteen,   she  moved  to  Chicago,   br inging  her   sick  mother   to John  Alexander   Dowie  for   prayer ,   at   which  t ime  she  took  a  secretar ial   posi t ion  in  Dr .   Dowie’s  of f ice.   Eventual ly  she  became  pr ivate secretary  to  one  of   Dr .   Dowie’s  leading  executives,   H.   Wor thington Judd,   to  whom  she  was  mar r ied  in  1905.   To  this  union  was  born  a daughter ,   Mary  Elizabeth.

In  1903  she  had  been  appointed  principal   of   the  business  department   of  Zion Educational  Inst i tut ions.   Af ter   her   mar riage,   she  continued  teaching,   establishing  two  pr ivate  busi1wss  schools  in  Zion Ci ty  and Waukegan,   I l l inois.

In 1911  she was  born again wi th the  resul t  that   she  was  cal led into the  minist ry.   Wi th  unt i r ing  devot ion  to  her   cal l ing,   she  has  been  a fai thful ,   valiant   “soldier   of  the  cross”   since  that   t ime,   remaining  in act ive service unt i l  her  accident   la,st  fal l .   Her  death  on May  31,   1959,  consummated  a  l i fe  of   consecrated  dedicat ion  to  the  wi l l   of   God.

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  • “Dear Jesus…how foolish of me to have called for human help when You are here.” – Corrie Ten Boom

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[By Faith We Understand] Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. — Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV)

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