• “Do not lose yourself in your everyday work and activities. Rather, lose yourself in God. When you are doing work, let your innermost heart be centered on Him. Live in His presence and abide in Him. Then your work will follow you into eternity, and you will reap a rich harvest.” – Basilea Schlink

On Me Alone – God Calling 02/08

I am your Lord, your Supply. You must rely on Me. Trust to the last uttermost limit. Trust and be not afraid. You must depend on Divine Power only. I have not forgotten you. Your help is coming. You shall know and realize My Power.

Endurance is faith tried almost to breaking point. You must wait, and trust, and hope, and joy in Me. You must not depend on man but on Me, on Me, your Strength, your Help, your Supply.

This is the great test. Am I your supply or not? Every great work for Me has had to have this great test-time.

Possess your souls in patience and rejoice. You must wait until I show the way. Heaven itself cannot contain more joy than that soul knows, when, after the waiting-test, I crown it Victor, but no disciple of Mine can be victor, who does not wait until I give the order to start. You cannot be anxious if you know that I am your supply.

“But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” James 1:4

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  • “God, You created me woman. You know what You designed for me to be. I don’t want to be a foolish woman. I want to fulfill Your purpose for me. Speak to me through Your Word. Cleanse me through the washing of Your Word, and work in my life so that when I see You face to face, I am not ashamed, but I hear well done, My good and faithful daughter.” – Kay Arthur

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Verse of the Day

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. — James 1:5 (NKJV)

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