• “I live, therefore, as well as I can express it, out of myself and all other creatures, in union with God. It is thus that God, by His sanctifying grace, has become to me All in all.” – Madame Guyon

No Other Story by Ada Haberson

No other story will bear repeating
As often as this is told;
God’s glad good news of His love to sinners
Are tidings which never grow old.


Tell it again and again,
Tell it again and again,
The Gospel story, of grace and glory,
Bears telling again and again.

Proclaim with joy how the cross of suff’ring
Will never be borne again.
That only glory awaits the Savior,
That soon He will come to reign.


Go tell the story in far off countries,
Let ev’ry poor sinner hear
How Christ the Savior has died to win them,
His love overcomes all fear.


The whole sweet story is not yet finished,
The sequel is but begun;
When all the ransomed are safely gathered,
E’en then it will not be done.


Each heart that opens to hear the tidings,
Receiving the Savior’s love,
Will add a page to redemption’s history
Rehearsed in the Home above.


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  • “When God calls you to do something, He provides everything it takes to get it done.” – Nancy Leigh DeMoss

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Verse of the Day

“Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments; — Deuteronomy 7:9 (NKJV)

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