Madame Guyon

“Her married State was companied with great Crosses; but they rather augmented than slackened her Love for God, and Zeal for Religion. She often found her Heart inflam’d with the Love of God, and had great Desires and Longings in her Soul for a closer Communion with God. When her Mind was uneasy and troubled about her State and Condition, she would make it known to her Confessors; but they were Strangers to the Way in which God was leading her; for instead of directing to Him, who sometimes, in the Secret of her Heart, smote her with his gentle Corrections, and at other times enamour’d her with his Beauty, they set her to saying of Prayers, and repeating daily the Office, as ’tis called, of the Blessed Virgin. But all this did nothing for her: It healed not the Wound, which was inward, nor did it ease her Mind, which could find not Rest ’till she had found Him who her Soul loved.“
– Archbishop Francis Fenelon on Madame Jeanne Guyon
“Your efforts have been unsuccessful, Madame, because you have sought without, what you can only find within. Accustom yourself to seek God in your heart, and you will not fail to find Him.” – a Franciscan monk
Madame Guyon married at a mere 16 years old to a wealthy man that was 22 years older than her. During these years of marriage, she received much persecution by her husband and her mother-in-law. She had five children, two of which died from illness. Her husband and her two children died before she was 28 years old. Though she had a lot of money from her marriage and her parents, she gave all that she could to the poor. She was known among the Protestant church, but she did not leave the Catholic church until she died at age 68. She was imprisoned twice because of her beliefs. She spent the last 15 years or so of her life in silence and isolation while living with her son.
“I was poor in the midst of riches, and ready to perish with hunger near a table plentifully spread and a continual feast. Oh, Beauty, ancient and new! Why have I known thee so late? Alas, I sought thee where thou wast not, and did not seek thee where thou wast…” – Madame Guyon
“When two well-tuned lutes are in perfect concert, that which is not touched renders the same sound as that which is touched. There is the same spirit in both, the same sound, one pure harmony. It was thus that my will seemed to be in harmony with God’s will…”
Books by Madame Guyon
A Short and Easy Method of Prayer
Song of Songs of Solomon
Spiritual Progress – A collection of five works, two of which are by Fenelon.
Dissertation on Pure Love by Madame Guyon & Archbishop Fenelon –The Archbishop of Cambray’s dissertation on pure love, with an account of the life and writings of the lady, for whose sake the archbishop was banish’d from court.
Poems Translated from the French of Madame de la Mothe Guion
Articles by Madame Guyon
- A Short and Easy Method of Prayer by Madame Guyon 1685 (Audio)
- Autobiography of Madame Guyon (Audio)
- Biography of Madame Guyon by J. Gilchrist Lawson
- Freedom in Prison by Madame Guyon
- Gems from Madame Guyon
- His Plan For Me by Martha Snell Nicholson
- Joy in Martyrdom by Madame Guyon
- Letter 1 by Madame Jeanne Guyon
- Spiritual Maxims by Madame Guyon
- The Gospel of the Kingdom of God by Jeanne Guyon
- The Perfect Sacrifice by Madame Guyon
- The Power of Simplicity by Jeanne Guyon
- The Reward of Silence by Madame Guyon
- The Triumph of Heavenly Love Desired by Madame Guyon
- The Young Christian by Margaret Mauro
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