• “To be a follower of the Crucified means, sooner or later, a personal encounter with the cross.” – Elisabeth Elliot


(In no way am I promoting social intervention. But instead to raise awareness. Only in Christ are we saved, Only in Him is there restoration from the things of this world. May we return unto Him and rest. Pray for their murderers.)

MEMINI is an online site of remembrance for the known and unknown victims of honour killings. 

Honour Killings are collective and premeditated murders intended to restore the social cache and family honour.  These killings occur in societies where the control of women’s behaviour is the factor at the forefront of defining the standing of men among their peers. The sexual behaviour and expression of independence from the collective can lead to the family reputation becoming tarnished. Women can become targets of honour based violence for exercising their right to choose their own life partner, career or even how they dress. The very core of the concept is basic, it is the control of women and their behaviour, if they transgress they will be punished, honour killings being the ultimate price a young woman pays and it is the ultimate betrayal by a family of their own child.

Today honour killings are seen across religious communities and are not limited to one group only. The oppression and violence against women in the name of honour, culture or religion is rife around the world in strictly patriarchal societies and communities. Honour killings take over 5000 lives a year. The perpetrator of this crime’s goal is to erase the lives of their victims. To erase their presence. To completely remove the “stain” of their existence from this earth.

Our wish is to ensure these victims defy the intent of their murderers and that their memories live on forever.  MEMINI’s hope is that these stories are told and that shame fall where it is deserved: on the murderers who stood in judgment of innocence. MEMINI is remembrance.

MEMINI is an ongoing project, a work in progress where we will continue to include content as we gather it and we hope you will help us in submitting cases of honour killings that you may come across.  We also welcome you to leave your messages and thoughts In Memoriam.

We would like to urge anyone out there who might have known any of these women to contact us with any information, photos or memories they wish us to add and share on this website.

MEMINI is an entirely volunteer driven initiative where wonderful individuals are helping by donating their time to help us build this place of remembrance. We are dedicated to keeping the memory of these women alive.

Gone but not forgotten, in remembrance — MEMINI


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  • “As the storm bursts over the world, do you know where He wants you to hide? Just in Him.” – Martha Wing Robinson

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Verse of the Day

You who love the Lord, hate evil! He preserves the souls of His saints; He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked. — Psalm 97:10 (NKJV)

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