• “Every delay in the answers to our prayers is also planned by God to give us something better than what we asked for.” – Annie Poonen

March 9 – Daily Strength for Daily Needs

_Thou shalt rejoice before the Lord thy God in all that thou puttest thine hands unto_.–DEUT. xii. 18.
Be ye thankful.–COL. iii. 15.

Thou that hast given so much to me, Give one thing more, a grateful heart. Not thankful when it pleaseth me, As if thy blessings had spare days; But such a heart, whose pulse may be Thy praise.
If any one would tell you the shortest, surest way to all happiness and all perfection, he must tell you to make it a rule to yourself to thank and praise God for everything that happens to you. For it is certain that whatever seeming calamity happens to you, if you thank and praise God for it, you turn it into a blessing. Could you, therefore, work miracles, you could not do more for yourself than by this thankful spirit; for it heals with a word speaking, and turns all that it touches into happiness.

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  • “Direct me in your service, and I ask no more. I would not choose my position of work, or place of service. Only let me know your will, and I will readily comply”. – Ann Judson

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Verse of the Day

[God’s Final Judgment and Glory] We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other, — 2 Thessalonians 1:3 (NKJV)

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