• “He will enable you to overcome the giants in your temperament …He allows adversity and trial in our lives in order to reveal our true nature to us. Thus He humbles us and breaks us, so that He can transform us into His likeness.” – Annie Poonen

Joy and Strength 05/06

Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
I John iv. 10.

I SAW a little child, with bandaged eyes,
Put up its hands to feel its mother’s face;
She bent, and took the tender groping palms.
And pressed them to her lips a little space.

I know a soul made blind by its desires.
And yet its faith keeps feeling for God’s face —
Bend down, O Mighty Love, and let that faith
One little moment touch Thy lips of Grace.
Anna J. Granniss.

IF I felt my heart as hard as a stone; if I did not love God, or man, or woman, or little child, I would yet say to God in my heart, “O God, see how I trust Thee, because Thou art perfect, and not changeable like me. I do not love Thee. I love nobody. I am not even sorry for it. Thou seest how much I need Thee to come close to me, to put Thy arm round me, to say to me, my child; for the worse my state, the greater my need of my Father who loves me. Come to me, and my day will dawn; my love will come back, and, oh! how I shall love Thee, my God! and know that my love is Thy love, my blessedness Thy being.”
George Macdonald.

Be persuaded, timid soul, that He has loved you too much to cease loving you.
Francois de la Mothe Fenelon.

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  • “I never felt such an entire emptiness of self-love, or any regard to any private, selfish interest of my own. It seemed to me, that I had entirely done with myself. I felt that the opinions of the world concerning me were nothing, and that I had no more to do with any outward interest of my own, than with that of a person whom I never saw. The glory of God seemed to be all, and in all, and to swallow up every wish and desire of my heart” – Sarah Edwards, wife of Jonathan Edwards

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Verse of the Day

[Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking] “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. — Matthew 7:7-8 (NKJV)

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