• “Pain is never permanent.” –Teresa of Avila

Mary A. Lathbury

The  Story  Behind Break  Thou  the Bread  of Life

This   beautiful devotional hymn  wa s   wr i t t en  in  1880  a s   a  ” s tudy  song”  for   a  group  of   students  gathe r ed for   conf e r enc e   a t  Lake   Chaut auqua ,   New York,   a  mos t   f i t t ing  s e t t ing  for   such  a  song.

I t s   author   wa s   the   daught e r   of   a  Me thodi s t   mini s t e r .   Ea r ly in  l i f e   she  showed  evidenc e   of   unusua l   poe t i c   t a l ent .   One   day  God’ s   Spi r i t   spoke   to he r ,   “Remembe r ,   My  chi ld,   you  have   a  gi f t   for   wr i t ing  ve r s e ;   cons e c r a t e  thi s  to Me   a s   you  do  your  inmos t  spi r i t . “

Having he a rd the   c a l l ,   she   gave   up  he r  t e a ching  of   a r t  and  devot ed  he r -s e l f   to  edi tor i a l   work  and wr i t ing  for   Sunday  s chool   pe r iodi c a l s .   The   r e -sul t   of   he r   cons e c r a t ion  brought   untold  bl e s s ing  to  many- – – e spe c i a l ly  by me ans   of   thi s   hymn and anothe r ,   “Day i s   Dying in  the  We s t , ”   a l so  written in  1880  for   Chaut auqua   a s   a  ve spe r   song.

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  • “But the misfortune is that people wish to direct God instead of resigning themselves to be directed by Him. We wish to take the lead, and to follow in a way of their own selection instead of submissively and passively following where God sees fit to conduct them. And hence it is, that many souls who are called to the enjoyment of God himself and mot merely to the gifts of God, spend all their lives in pursuing and in feeding on little consolations.” – Madame Guyon

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Verse of the Day

[By Faith We Understand] Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. — Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV)

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