• “When we begin to understand what the blood of Jesus does for us, we will testify to the power of His blood, and shall thus have power continually to overcome the enemy. It is blessed to note that the blood of Jesus is the purchase price of our full salvation. ‘Take heed…to feed the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood’ (Acts 20:28)” – Carrie Judd Montgomery

Help Somebody Today! by Carrie Breck

Look all around you, find someone in need,
Help somebody today!
Though it be little—a neighborly deed—
Help somebody today!


Help somebody today,
Somebody along life’s way;
Let sorrow be ended,
The friendless befriended,
O help somebody today!

Many are waiting a kind, loving word,
Help somebody today!
Thou hast a message, O let it be heard,
Help somebody today!


Many have burdens too heavy to bear,
Help somebody today!
Grief is the portion of some everywhere,
Help somebody today!


Some are discouraged and weary in heart,
Help somebody today!
Someone the journey to Heaven should start,
Help somebody today!


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  • “But the misfortune is that people wish to direct God instead of resigning themselves to be directed by Him. We wish to take the lead, and to follow in a way of their own selection instead of submissively and passively following where God sees fit to conduct them. And hence it is, that many souls who are called to the enjoyment of God himself and mot merely to the gifts of God, spend all their lives in pursuing and in feeding on little consolations.” – Madame Guyon

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Verse of the Day

by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. — 2 Peter 1:4 (NKJV)

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