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About A. D. 598, in the time of the Emperor Mauritius, Golauduch, a woman of Persia, who had once been an adherent of the Persian religion, but subsequently become converted to Christ, and, consequently, had been baptized upon her faith, and remained steadfast in the confession of the Christian religion, even unto death. Of this, Evagrius makes mention, whom we take to be the same one of whom we have spoken elsewhere, and shown that he has described and commended as something praiseworthy, the baptism of candidates; that is of those who were baptized upon confession of faith. He writes the following of said Golauduch, “At that time (namely, in the reign of Mauritius), there lived among us, the godly martyrs, Golauduch, who, having, suffered many and severe torments at the hans of the magi or Persian priests, finally obtained the martyr’s crown; of whose life, old Stephen, Bishop of Hierapolis, has written an account.” Compare Evagn, lib. 6, cap. 19; also, Nicephor., l%b. 18, cap. 25, ex Act. Sabulosis, with A. Mell., 1619; fol. 301, col 1.

Abraham Mellinus and J. Mehrning, however, differ in regard to the supposed time in which Evagrius (who, it appears, wrote the above account of the martyrdom of Golauduch), is said to have lived, J. Mehrning referring him to the middle of the fifth century, while Abr. Mellinus, on the other hand, places him almost at the close of the sixth. This difference of chronology we leave to them, holding, nevertheless, that they both wrote of one and the same person; who was a good historian and well versed in ecclesiastical affairs.

This person, then, called Evagrius, having commended as praiseworthy the baptism of the above mentioned candidates, that is, of those who had previously been instructed in the faith, afterwards, it appears, also makes mention of said martyress Golauduch, virtually calling her his sister in the faith, and a member of his church. For, when he says, “At that time, there lived among us, the godly martyress Golauduch,” what else does he mean to indicate thereby, but that said woman belonged to, and lived in, the very church of which he was a member, or, at least, whose doctrine he loved and cherished? Besides, we have not found anything laid to her charge, as regards her faith and good conversation, as has been stated of the preceding martyrs; hence we are satisfied with regard to her.

* In the following year, namely, A .D. 563, mention is made of forty Christian peasants, whom the Longobards seized and would constrain to eat of the food offered to idols; but as they refused to do this, they were beheaded together, for the faith in the only God, and His Son Jesus Christ. Compare . J. Twisck. Chron. page 192, from”Marianus Scotus,” lib. 4, with A. Mell., 2nd book, fol. 299, col. 4, from”Gregor. Dialog.,” lib. 5, cap. 27 from trustworthy eyewitnesses. Nevertheless, we dare not count them among the true, defenseless martyrs, since we doubt whether, at their apprehension, they showed themselves meek.
* Concerning these martyrs, we have not found that anything has been laid to their charge, as regards the uprightness and steadfastness of their faith (as has been stated respecting Arnold); nor have we discovered anything that is at variance with the views of the Anabaptists; hence we have accorded them a place among the faithful martyrs of Jesus Christ.

(Martyr’s Mirror)

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