• “If my attitude be one of fear, not faith, about one who has disappointed me; if I say, ‘Just what I expected,’ if a fall occurs, then I know nothing of Calvary love.” – Amy Carmichael

Go Not Without Prayer – Streams in the Desert 06/06

“Watch unto prayer” (1 Peter 4:7).

Go not, my friend, into the dangerous world without prayer. You kneel down at night to pray, drowsiness weighs down your eyelids; a hard day’s work is a kind of excuse, and you shorten your prayer, and resign yourself softly to repose. The morning breaks; and it may be you rise late, and so your early devotions are not done, or are done with irregular haste.No watching unto prayer! Wakefulness once more omitted; and now is that reparable?We solemnly believe not.

There has been that done which cannot be undone. You have given up your prayer, and you will suffer for it.Temptation is before you, and you are not ready to meet it. There is a guilty feeling on the soul, and you linger at a distance from God. It is no marvel if that day in which you suffer drowsiness to interfere with prayer be a day in which you shrink from duty.

Moments of prayer intruded on by sloth cannot be made up. We may get experience, but we cannot get back the rich freshness and strength which were wrapped up in those moments. –Frederick W. Robertson.

If Jesus, the strong Son of God, felt it necessary to rise before the breaking of the day to pour out His heart to God in prayer, how much more ought you to pray unto Him who is the Giver of every good and perfect gift, and who has promised all things necessary for our good.

What Jesus gathered into His life from His prayers we can never know; but this we do know, that the prayerless life is a powerless life. A prayerless life may be a noisy life, and fuss around a great deal; but such a life is far removed from Him who, by day and night, prayed to God. –Selected


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1 Responses to Go Not Without Prayer - Streams in the Desert 06/06

  • Day And Night Prayer says:

    [...] Go Not Without Prayer – Streams in the Desert 06/06 | Women of ... Go not, my friend, into the dangerous world without prayer You kneel down at night to pray, drowsiness weighs down your eyelids; a hard day's work is a kind of excuse, and you shorten your prayer and resign yourself [...]

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[Walking in the Spirit] I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. — Galatians 5:16 (NKJV)

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