• “A woman can become a blessing to many (even to the one who harms her) through what she has learnt of God in her sorrows! To become a woman of God, one must be prepared to face many trials. Like the sandalwood tree that imparts its fragrance to the axe that cuts it.” – Dr. Annie poonen

Faith Vision – God Calling 10/17

Turn your eyes to behold Me. Look away from sordid surroundings, from lack of beauty, from the imperfections in yourselves and those around you. Then you who have the Faith-Vision will see all you could and do desire in Me.

In your unrest behold My calm, My rest. In your impatience, My unfailing patience. In your lack and limitations, My Perfection.

Looking at Me you will grow like Me, until men say to you, too, that you have been with Jesus.

As you grow like Me you will be enabled to do the things I do, and greater works than these shall ye do because I go unto My Father.

From that place of abiding, limited by none of humanity’s limitations, I can endue you with the all-conquering, all miracle working Power of your Divine Brother and Ally.

Looking unto Jesus … who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross … and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2

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  • “There’s a big difference between a life that’s a performance, and a life that’s an offering — One holds us captive. The other sets us free.” – Susie Larson

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Verse of the Day

You who love the Lord, hate evil! He preserves the souls of His saints; He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked. — Psalm 97:10 (NKJV)

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