• ”If you have lost your life, remember that He promises that you will find it.” – Elisabeth Elliot

Do You Want an Answer? By Elisabeth Elliot

This is the question we need to ask ourselves when we are seeking “solutions” to our problems. Often we want only an audience. We want the chance to air grievances, to present our excuses, to make an explanation for our behavior, rather than a cure. More often than not the clearest and most direct answer can be found in the Word, but it must be sought honestly.

“The way of the Lord gives refuge to the honest man, but dismays those who do evil” (Prv 10:29 NEB).

We can approach God’s word with a will to obey whatever it says to us about our present situation, or we can avoid it and say to anyone who would try to point us to it, “Don’t throw the Book at me.” The latter is an evasion, which supports our suspicion that our problems are, in fact, insoluble. The honest (i.e., humble) heart will indeed find the Lord’s way to be a refuge.


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  • “A broken heart is a reminder of our only source of power.” – Elisabeth Elliot

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Verse of the Day

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. — 1 John 4:18 (NKJV)

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