Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/16
O Lord, God of our fathers, we bless Thy holy name, Thy grace and mercy, for all those who have… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/15
Grant unto us, almighty God, in all time of sore distress, the comfort of the forgiveness of our sins. In… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/14
Thou most sweet and loving Lord, Thou knowest mine infirmities, and the necessities which I endure; in how great evils… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/13
I Worship Thee, O my God, with all my best love and awe, with my fervent affection, with my most… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/12
O Lord, Faithful Creator, give us grace, we entreat Thee, in well doing and with full assurance of faith, to… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/11
I Bless Thee, my Father and my Friend, for all that Thou hast given me, and for all that Thou… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/10
O Thou God of Peace, unite our hearts by Thy bond of peace, that we may live with one another… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/09
Incline, O Lord, Thy merciful ears, and illuminate the darkness of our hearts by the light of Thy visitation—Amen.
Gelasian… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/08
O God, the Light of every heart that sees Thee, the Life of every soul that loves Thee, the Strength… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/07
O Lord, give us more charity, more self-denial, more likeness to Thee. Teach us to sacrifice our comforts to others,… Continue reading