Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/16
The Lord be my Keeper, the Lord be my Defence upon my right hand. The Lord preserve me from all… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/15
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, who hast of Thine infinite goodness ordained that the order of our life should be… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/14
O Thou holy and unspeakable, Thou wonderful and mighty God, whose power and wisdom hath no end, before whom all… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/13
O God, who art the unsearchable abyss of peace, the ineffable sea of love, the fountain of blessings, and the… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/12
O Lord, our heavenly father, who orderest all things for our eternal good, mercifully enlighten our minds, and give us… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/11
We confess unto Thee, O god, how weak we are in ourselves, how powerless to do the work of life,… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/10
Let Thy love so warm our souls, O Lord, that we may gladly surrender ourselves with all we are and… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/09
Grant, O Lord, that we ma carefully watch over our tempers and every unholy feeling; remove whatever in us may… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/08
Be Thou, O Lord, our protection, who art our redemption; direct our minds by Thy gracious presence, and watch over… Continue reading
Prayers Ancient and Modern 07/07
Almighty God, the Everlasting Lord, and Giver of every good and perfect gift,—bestow upon us at this time those things… Continue reading