• “Lord, may no gift of yours ever take Your place in my heart. Help me to hold them lightly in an open palm, that the supreme object of my desire may always be You and You alone. Purify my heart.” – Elisabeth Elliot

Another Year For Thee by Frances Ridley Havergal

Another Year Is Dawning
Another Year is dawning!
Dear Master let me be,
In working or in waiting,
Another year with thee.
Another year in leaning,
Upon Thy loving breast,
Of ever-deepening trustfulness
Of quiet, happy rest.

Another year of mercies,
Of faithfulness and grace;
Another year of gladness,
In the shinning on thy face,
Another of praise;
Another year of proving
Thy presence “all the days.”

Another year of service,
Of witness for thy love;
Another year of training
For holier works above.
Another year is dawning!
Dear Master, let it be
On earth, or else in heaven
Another year for thee!

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  • “I banked my life on a miracle.” – Jackie Pullinger

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Verse of the Day

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. — Romans 8:28 (NKJV)

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