• “I entreat you, give no place to despondency. This is a dangerous temptation–a refined, not a gross temptation of the adversary. Melancholy contracts and withers the heart, and renders it unfit to receive the impressions of grace. It magnifies and gives a false colouring to objects, and thus renders your burdens too heavy to bear. God’s designs regarding you, and His methods of bringing about these designs, are infinitely wise.” – Madame Guyon

Abide In Christ! By Magdalene Klinksiek Jenkins

Philippians 1:6 “… being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

He who began His work in you
will bring it to an end.
He has given His life for you
So never try in your own strength
to master your own way.
Abide in Christ, hold onto Him
and trust Him day by day.
He has a purpose for your life,
and He will guide you through.
Just claim the promises He gave,
have faith what He can do.
Obey His word, ask for His will,
and tell Him all your need.
And by the grace of God you grow,
to be His precious seed.

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  • “In all places and at all times, we can have that familiar friendship, we can have Him with us; and there may be through the day a constant interchange of private words, of little offerings, too small to have any name attached to them—by which the bonds of that familiar friendship grow closer and more real, until it comes to that special personal intimacy, which we call sanctity.” – Janet Erskine Stuart, 1857-1914

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Verse of the Day

Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. — Colossians 1:28 (NKJV)

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