Prayers Ancient and Modern 06/11
I Bless Thee, my Father and my Friend, for all that Thou hast given me, and for all that Thou hast taken from me; for all my trials and sorrows, as well as for all my joys. Thou hast mercifully led me through this wilderness, and hast borne with my many shortcomings and evil-doings. Thou art indeed most gracious and glorious, a Father of mercies, and a God of love. Rouse this sluggish heart of mine, and fill it with gratitude. And be with me, Lord, for the time to come. I know not what is before me, but Thou knowest. Choose Thou my portion for me. Lead me by Thine own hand; and keep me close to Thee, day by day, and night by night. My Father, I wish to love and obey Thee. Take my heart, for I cannot give it to Thee; and put away everything that hinders me from being altogether Thine—Amen.
Bishop Ashton Oxenden (1808–1892).
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