• “It is not the place where we are, or the work that we do or cannot do that matters, it is something else. It is the fire within that burns and shines, whatever be our circumstances.” – Amy Carmichael

Xiao Min

Xiao Min grew up in a little village in Henan. Xiao Min said :”I was born into a family of farmers; my parents are simple farming folks. My mother never went to school and my Dad studied for only a year or two. He barely reads. They were very poor.While I was in Junior High, I suffered sinus infection. Every day, about noon, I felt dizzy and nauseous. I couldn’t finish the day. Soon, I just quit school all together. So often, during prayer time, quiet time or time of meditating on God’s Word, the Holy Spirit would come and bring me a verse or two. Usually within five or ten minutes, I’ll be singing the hymn with melody and lyrics.”

Later, Xiao Min was given a little recorder. She records what comes into her mind, whether it‘s day or night. Later, she writes down the words, and someone else writes down the scores.

During walks in the field or during prayer meetings, Xiao Min finds inspiration from the world around her. Her heart is always open to be touched by the Lord. The Canaan Hymns came down to this golden land from the deep blue sky. They are an eternal gift from the timeless beauty of the heavens, a gift of love to those who inhabit our precious earth. These hymns have spread over the immense land of China in the blink of an eye.

A missionary said: “We once were on a mission to the tribal villages in the province of Yunnan. There we needed inspiration from the hymns more than ever. When we were feeling hopeless and weak, it was Xiao Min’s hymns that gave us strength.” People who are deeply moved by the songs in the Canaan Hymns may be curious about the peasant songwriter. There is a deep spiritual connection between her and God.

Since she became a Christian, Xiao Min’s life was no longer hers alone. She is the messenger that God chose for China.

Jesus is walking on the land of China. He walks with grace and supreme power but in simple clothes. He walks into poor and desolate villages, through main streets and narrow lanes.
He is followed by groups of Chinese people. Among them is the singer Xiao Min.

Many years ago, Xiao Min became a mother, but her life still belongs to God and His Church. She is a beloved daughter of China. Her songs continue to flow from her heart.

Canaan Hymns are becoming the holy songs of the Chinese nation. They are the pulse of seventy million Chinese Christians. They reflect the path where so many missionaries walked in the past century. They prophesy the inescapable destiny of the Chinese nation.


Canaan Hymns is Part 4 of the documentary called “The Cross: Jesus in China.” It is the story of Xiao Min. You can watch it for free from Chinasoul.org. It is at the bottom of the page.

Two websites where you can download Canaan Hymns. However, they are in Chinese. 🙂

Sermon Index and China Soul

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14 Responses to Xiao Min

  • Bro. Nick says:

    Oh how powerful are the Chinese house church hymns of our beloved sister in Jesus Christ Xaio Min - even though I speak not one word of Chinese! 1) Is there any possibility of getting copies of 'The Canaan Hymns' recorded by House Churches during their services. As beautiful technically as the recordings done at the Sydney, Australia Opera House are - I personally prefer them when sung by our CHRISTian brethren having been given the mighty power of the Holy Ghost in their worship of our Wondrous GOD!!! 2)Has there been any consideration of having someone translate the words into English (and other languages - like Spanish) and recorded with the original music? so that CHRISTians in other countries may have the benefit of Sister Xaio Min's GOD given gift of inspired music for these very perilous times in which we are living! Any comments would be very much appreciated. Bro. Nick Hab 3:18 / Ps 115:1

  • Bro. Nick says:

    Please correct my mis-spelling of Sister Xiao Min's first name in my email response. I consistently wrote Xaio instead of Xiao. Bro. Nick

    • womenof7 says:

      Hi Brother Nick, Chinasoul.org does have a few of her hymns in English. When I first did her page, they weren't any! But Praise the Lord there is now. I added a couple to this website as well. Here is where you can find others, http://www.chinasoul.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3708%3A2013325&catid=3%3Alatest-share&Itemid=68&lang=en-gb Stay in the Lord's care, Michelle

  • Jim Taylor says:

    Hello from Texas. A flute player from China asked to arrange three hymns for flute and piano. One of the hymns was MY BEST FRIND. I changed the chords a little. I hope you like it. You can listen to it at http://www.diary.cadenza.org/james-taylor/medley-of-three-hymns-for-flute-and-piano.htm

  • john leslie says:

    We need a hymnal for us churches of these translated songs....

  • Alemayehu Asres Fenta says:

    We love Xiao Min she is very humble women of God we can see and feel her Spirit so sweet and love to meet her once in life time God willing.May God continue to bless China.

  • Sammy Lee(Li Wei Long) says:

    Sister Xiao Min is a great inspiration to me. I have been serving as a minister in Indonesia, Malaysia, Macao, China and Australia for more than 53 years. But after I read about her story, I felt very small and has rededicated my to serve the Lord more. I am now 76 years old, but I feel like a 25 year old young man and ready to serve my Lord until He calls me to stop. May Shangdi continue to bless Sister Xiao Min and all Chinese and other people of all nationalities who are also inspired by her. I am looking forward eagerly when I can meet her face to face and exchange our wonderful experiences as we served our Lord faithfully here on earth. If any one is interested, I can send my e-book "54 Years As A Missionary In 5 Countries" free of charge to your email address. My email is : thehanifs@gmail.com

  • ch.sita says:

    Bitte um die möglichkeit diese lieder/+texte in Deutschland zubekommen- habe sie vor ca 9 j schon gehört- Das benötigen wir hier- wie schön wäre es kontakt zu diesen Gemeinden zubekommen. danke Ch.sita

    • Robert Potzel says:

      Hallo, konnten Sie die Musik/ CD in Deutschland beziehen? Habe sie gerade auf ERF Radio gehört . Ich würde gerne eine CD bestellen Dankeschön und viele Grüße Robert

  • Bro. Nick says:

    Is there any information on Sister Xiao Min where and what she is doing? I have not been able to find anything about her current song writing or Missionary work

  • Francis says:

    As far as I know, sister Xiao Min is already a living saint. May God bless all the Chinese faithful Christians.

  • brother Greg says:

    "1) Is there any possibility of getting copies of ‘The Canaan Hymns’ recorded by House Churches during their services. As beautiful technically as the recordings done at the Sydney, Australia Opera House are – I personally prefer them when sung by our CHRISTian brethren having been given the mighty power of the Holy Ghost in their worship of our Wondrous GOD!!!" Amen, that would be wonderful, we are involved in networking with many house churches and this could be a tremendous resource for them!

  • Mohamedi says:

    What a Nice woman

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But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; — 1 Peter 3:15 (NKJV)

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