• “Don’t bother to give God instructions; just report for duty.” ~Corrie ten Boom

Thirty-First Day – Royal Invitation – by Francis R. Havergal

 The Consummation of the Invitation

‘Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.’—Matt. Xxv. 34.

‘rT”,HEN!’ when the sure but as yet unseen hope A of the Church is fulfilled, and Jesus comes in His glory ‘then !’ when all are gathered before Him, and ‘ He shall separate them one from another:’ ‘then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, Come!”

The King—’this same Jesus,” who now says, ‘Come unto Me,’ ‘whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another’* (margin,not a stranger)—He shall utter with His own gracious lips5 the same sweet call; and we shall hear it, no longer by faith, but literally.

The call will be no longer, ‘Come unto Me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden ;’6 for the weariness and the burdens that have been cast upon Jesus will be at an end for ever.7 It will be, ‘Come, ye blessed!’

1 Tit. ii. 13. 2 Matt. xxiv. 30, 31; ib. xxv. 32.
* Acts i. ri, 4 Job xix. 27. 5 Luke iv. 23.
6 Matt. xi. 28. 7 Ps. Iv. 22; ib. xxxviii. 4.

Not * blessed’ then for the first time, but * ye ‘ whose position already is that of ‘ the blessed of the Lord. ‘^ Every one who comes to Jesus takes that glorious position, and possesses all its manifold privileges.^ If you are only come to-day for the first time, ‘ thou art now the blessed of the Lord,’^ and you shall be among the blessed ones who stand, in their lot at the end of the days.* You are now made kings and priests unto God by Him who loved you and washed you from your sins in His own blood f and then the King will call you to * inherit the kingdom.’ For ‘by faith in Christ Jesus’ (which is the same thing, in other words, as coming to Christ), you are *the children of God.’® *And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ.” He will make you inherit the throne of His glory, and grant you to sit with Him in His throne,^ for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.^ Confess now, that this is doing for you exceeding abundantly above all you asked or thought ^^ To be permitted just to escape the terrible doom of * everlasting punishment,'”— just to get inside the door of the palace,^^—a sort of standing afar off, even in heaven,—is about as much as you really thought of! But look at the grandeur of His thought, and the riches of His love for you! He has prepared not only * a place,’^’ and ‘ a city,’^* but a kingdom for you, and that not since you began to pray for salvation, but from the foundation of the world.^

1 Ps. cxv. 15. 2 Eph. i. 3. 3 Gen. xxvi. 29.
4 Dan. xii. 12, 13. 5 Rev. i. 5, 6. 6 Gal. iii. 26.
7 Rom. viii. 17. 8 Rev. iii. 21. 9 Luke xii. 32.
10 Eph. iii. 20. 11 Matt. xxv. 46. 12 Ps. xlv. 15.
13 John xiv. 2. 1* Heb. xi. 16.

And all this time this splendid and amaranthine inheritance has been reserved in heaven for you,^ and you are being kept by the power of God for it !^ Have you thanked Him for this? It is not too soon to do so.
This is indeed the consummation of the Royal Invitation,—-the King on the throne of His glory-inviting you to come and reign with Him !*
And ‘ this same Jesus’ says to you to-day, * Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out.’*
Still shall the keyword ringing, echo the same sweet * Come!’
* Come ‘ with the blessed myriads, safe in the Father’s home; *Come !’ for the toil is over; * come !’ for the feast is spread;
* Come!’ for the crown of glory waits for the weary head.

1 Matt. XXV. 34; Eph. i. 4. 2 i Pet, i. 4, Gr.
8 I Pet. i. 5. 4 Rev. v. ro. 8 John vi. 37.

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  • “My soul remained in a kind of heavenly elysium. So far as I am capable of making a comparison, I think that what I felt each minute, during the continuance of the whole time, was worth more than all the outward comfort and pleasure, which I had enjoyed in my whole life put together. It was a pure delight, which fed and satisfied the soul. It was peasure, without the least sting, or any interruption. It was a sweetness, which my soul was lost in. It seemed to be all that my feeble frame could sustain, of that fulness of joy, which is felt by those, who behold the face of Christ, and share his love in the heavenly world.” – Sarah Edwards, wife of Jonathan Edwards

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Verse of the Day

Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ — Matthew 22:37-39 (NKJV)

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