• “When God was pleased to call me to Christ’s mission, which is a mission of peace and love to the sinful and the wandering, He taught me that I must be willing to be, in some sense, a partaker in Christ’s sufferings.” – Madame Guyon

The Punch by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 02/02/12

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: Rudy Tomjanovich was an NBA All-Star whose career was effectively ended by one punch. As he sprinted toward a scuffle during a basketball game, another player, Kermit Washington, whirled around and hit him—hard.

The blow almost killed Rudy, and he retired soon afterward.

You may be able to think of an event like that in your life where things said or done to you in the heat of the moment affected you for a long time. They’ll continue to overwhelm your life if you allow bitterness to fester in your heart. The only way to find healing is through forgiveness.

Here’s what Rudy said about the player who threw that punch. “Someone once told me that hating Kermit would be like taking poison and hoping someone else would die.”

Perhaps you’ve been taking poison—dwelling on hurts you’ve received. You can find healing through choosing forgiveness.

With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy Leigh DeMoss.

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  • “Much of my experience of life has cost me a great price and I wish to use it for strengthening and comforting other souls.” – E. Prentiss

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Verse of the Day

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. — Romans 8:28 (NKJV)

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