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The Prison of Expectations by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 04/04/11

“He has no idea what romance is.”

“Would it hurt her to call once in a while?”

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: Our expectations of people can be like a prison.

“When it comes to romance, he’s got no clue.”

Nancy: People will never fully meet our expectations. Perhaps you feel like someone has consistently let you down. Maybe it’s time to give up your expectations of how they should serve you and focus instead on how you can serve them.

I remember having a hard time loving an individual life. A turning point came when I decided to release them from my idea of how they should love me. The relationship started to heal once I repented of my lovelessness and let God fill me with His love.

Is there someone locked in the prison of your expectations? Ask God to show you how to focus on meeting their needs rather than your own.



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Verse of the Day

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. — Romans 8:28 (NKJV)

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