• “A broken heart is a reminder of our only source of power.” – Elisabeth Elliot

Basilea Schlink

Klara Schlink, religious leader and writer: born Darmstadt, Germany 21 October 1904; leader, Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary 1947-2001, taking the name Mother Basilea; died Darmstadt 21 March 2001.

Basiliea Schlink was the co-founder and spiritual leader for half a century of the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, a community dedicated to a Christian literature and radio ministry. She was herself a prolific writer, her devotional books, pamphlets and hymns being translated into more than 60 languages.

The Sisterhood of Mary, initially Lutheran but now interdenominational, numbers more than 200 women from 20 countries, with 14 men in the affiliated Canaan Franciscan Brothers. It has branched out from its centre in Germany, at Darmstadt near Frankfurt, to Australia, Israel and the United States, and has one community at Radlett in Hertfordshire. The Sisterhood publishes tracts in 90 languages and distributes them on all five continents, while its radio and television programmes are broadcast in 23 languages.

Perhaps Mother Basilea’s most noted contribution to religious life was her work for reconciliation between Germans and Jews. As a young woman she had learnt with horror of the Nazi extermination of the Jewish communities of her homeland and much of Europe, and dedicated her life to seeking forgiveness and overcoming the legacy of this mutual bitterness.

As national president of the Women’s Division of the German Student Christian Movement from 1933 to 1935, Schlink refused to comply with Nazi edicts barring Jewish Christians from meetings.

It was not until March 1947 that Schlink and Madauss were eventually able to fulfil their vision of establishing the Sisterhood.

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16 Responses to Basilea Schlink

  • Deb Woodward says:

    Do u hv any retreat Australia.?&were plese send news letter 2follow email deborahwoodward@calvarycare.org.au

  • Deb Woodward says:

    Would like to hv information about retreat.prayer retreat etc l come from Tasmanian so l wuld like 2 come 4a few days

  • Deb Woodward says:

    Please send info about retreats etc l from Tassie Thk U

  • Bethany says:

    I would like to find out about convents or retreat locations, first in the US but overseas as well.

  • says:

    I have been going to a retreat in west kirby in the wirral called sisters of jesus way and i was wondering if you know of anymore in the uk. I would be grateful if you could get back to me either way my name is catherine and my email address is catherinearimmer@msn.com thank you

  • Sándor Médl says:

    Shalom liebe Schwestern! -wohne ich im Ungarn, gratuliere u. danke zu Ihrem Mission -ich komme gern an einem kurze Visit - villeicht im September alles Gut wünsche, Hallelujah! Sándor

  • halloo says:

    these are 2 Indian orphanages or helping groups that are often destitude of basic needs. https://www.juhanirajala.com/orpokoti/ https://www.facebook.com/ashok.midasala give your alms in secret. <3

  • He must increase says:

    Hey <3 There's a huge problem with most if not all churches, doctrines, denominations. it's the simple truth, that all of them have abandoned The Cornerstone, Jesus and His Teachings in the 4 Gospels. i suggest with utmost haste and importance, to rethink your standing of Faith in God, read the 4 Gospels, listen to and Believe Jesus. Jesus is The Truth, Jesus is the Cornerstone, Jesus is The Word of God. please drop all the man-made rules and traditions. Jesus said many things as requirements to be His disciple = a Christian in Luke 14. Forsake all, hate your family (reject them and follow Jesus) etc. unless you obey Him, you are NOT a Christian. also there's is the Mark of the Beast. we must warn people about it and get ready to reject it, please do not be conned into taking it. if we're to survive when the Mark comes, we need to be living by Faith in God, working for Him (Love) freely, not for money. i also think, that America will be destroyed quite soon, in the case it is the whore of Babylon. Please read the 4 Gospels, Revelation 13, 17 and 22. Thank you <3

  • Bishop Freddie Steel says:

    Please pray for Sandy, a young mother currently on hospice care and in need of a miracle! Thank you!

  • shivani nawange says:

    dear mothers and sisters, my name is shivani nawange, I fan of MOTHER BASILEA SCHLINK. Favourite book is Building a wall of Prayer. I request you sisters to pray for my Good Health and my Dear Daughter Kiran Nawange ' sGood Health. Please also Pray my daughter Kiran Nawange must get the desire and full interest to study her school lessons properly. her mind always wandering. Please help her. she is now in twelvth standard. she has to become Doctor please pray for her. Thank you. Bye God Bless

  • alex blaine says:

    Sisters, I'm once again trying to contact a sister there, formerly Janice Peterson, I've lost touch with her sisters Nancy, Sheryl, and Tony and her brother Kurt who I knew and was so blessed by in 1976. Her Mom and Dad, Marge and Ralph, took me into their home where I thrived in the Lord for several months until the Lord allowed me to continue in my walk in the Spirit. If you can ask Janice to contact me with family information, I'd appreciate it. Janice, we were in touch some years back, maybe 10, and I've once again lost touch. I hope you can help me. I love you and your family so much. I continue to pray for you all regularly. In these last days, as we hasten the coming of the Lord's Day, watching and praying we are confident in our God in all things. Peace and Grace to you and yours. Blessings, Alex Blaine 859-992-8306 alexblaine127@gmail.com

  • Nora Poki Carr says:

    I never had the pleasure of knowing Mother Basilea but I love her books. Through her writing I was able to understand more of denying self. I love the sisters in Phoeniz AZ at Canaan in the Desert. Thank you Mother Basilea and sisters across the world.

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But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; — 1 Peter 3:15 (NKJV)

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