• ”Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see.” – Corrie Ten Boom

Seven Choices by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 07/04/11

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: The book of 1 Timothy tells women to “adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control” (2:9). How do you do that when it seems like immodesty is everywhere? Let me suggest seven choices.

  1. Live your life to please God and bring Him glory.
  2. Say, “Lord, my body belongs to You.”
  3. Decide to be modest because it pleases God.
  4. Resolve to be morally pure.
  5. Commit to never dress in a way that would tempt men to lust.
  6. Stand against the culture when it’s contrary to the Word of God.
  7. Be humble and open to the input of others.

Modesty isn’t necessarily about a list of acceptable clothes. It comes from a commitment to Christ and a commitment to purity. Would you spend some time talking with Him about this issue?

With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy Leigh DeMoss.


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  • “In case any are puzzled by the different translations from which I draw strength and help and delight, it is like this: In studying any object with the microscope we use different lenses and turn the mirror in various ways; each change brings out some new wonder and beauty. So it is for those who are not Greek or Hebrew scholars, and who use the work of scholars to open the meaning of the exhaustible Word–the Bible is richer than any single version can fully show.” – Amy Carmichael

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Verse of the Day

Do they not go astray who devise evil? But mercy and truth belong to those who devise good. — Proverbs 14:22 (NKJV)

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