Resolved to Be Pure by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 06/24/11
Nancy Leigh DeMoss: Do you ever find yourself at the point of a decision?
“I’m not sure if this is right or not?!”
Nancy: There’s a question mark in your conscience, but you’re not exactly sure what the Bible says about it. Jonathan Edwards anticipated moments like these and wrote:
“Resolved, never to do anything of which I so much as question the lawfulness.”
He’s saying, “If I have any question in my heart about whether what I’m about to do is acceptable to God and His Word, then I’ll stop.”
So many of us today try and see how close we can get to sin without getting into serious trouble. Wouldn’t we be better off staying as close to purity as we can?
Paul tells us in Romans, “Whatever is not of faith is sin.” If there’s doubt in your heart that God is giving you freedom to do something, then why do it?
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy Leigh DeMoss.
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